100 unique baby boy names, choice and modern
Hope and prayer are always embedded in the name that parents give their babies. This name search process sometimes becomes an event that creates an impression for every parent. That's why almost every parent wants to find a boy's unique baby name for his son.
Well, Parents, here we chose 100 unique, modern and meaningful boy names for your beautiful son.
The baby boy's name is unique from the letter A
Adhikari: Special
Ardhani: Holy
Ararya: Aristocracy
Arik: Fighters
Arka: Attackers in the family
Arkana: Brightness
Arsa: Fun
Aruna: Red
Aswin: Handsome
Aryasatya: Glory
Arnawama: Ocean
Anggasta: Stay
The boy's name is unique from the letter B - C
Bawika: Good intentions
Bayanaka: Incredible
Bhadra: Congratulations
Bhadrika: Dare to be brave
Bramanty: War knight
Byakta: Looks real
Male baby name of the letter C - D
Caraka: Nomad
Cendric: Moonlight
Conary: Wise
Curtina: Unite
Chaanakya: A good student
Danadyaksa: The guardian of glory
Daniswara: Rich and noble
Darpa: Pride
Donahue: A tough fighter
The name of the boy from the letter E - F - G
Eagle: Eagle
Fazaira: Born at dawn
Ganendra: The gods
Gantari: Illuminate
Garwita: Pride
Giandra: Sentosa and smart
Hara: A series of pearls
Male baby name from the letter J - K - L
Janied: Good guy
Javas: Sticky
Jayasri: The glorious victory
Kara: Light rays
Kastara: Stellar
Kasyapi: Earth
Kailash: King of wealth
Kafin: Handsome
Kairav: The white lotus
Kaivan: Handsome
Kayana: Generous
Kawindra: King of the poet
Kenzie: A wise leader
Laksita: Famous
The name of the boy from the letter M - N
Mahija: Son of the earth
Mahatma: A great soul
Mahendra: Who sent the mission
Meidiawan: On the right path
Nata: Protector
Nataya: Patron
Nawang: Wise
Najandra: Strong
Nagarjuna: A 2nd century philosopher
Nagendra: Strong
Nalendra: The blue sapphire
Nararya: What to use
Nirwasita: Wise
Naresh: King
Nareswara: Wise, noble
Niscala: Sturdy
Male baby name of the letter O - P
Oni: Shade, protection
Onie: Shade, protection
Onni: Shade, protection
Oza: Sir
Palupi: Example
Parama: The most superior
Pastika: Crystal
Pandya: A saint and a sage
Parabawa: Glowing
Paraduta: Smart, smart
Paramayoga: The most beautiful child
Prawara: Most distinguished
Prayata: God
The name of the boy from the letter R - S - U
Radithya: The sun
Radmila: Working for the people
Sadajiwa: Live forever
Sadina: Owner of kindness
Samana: Breath of life
Samitra: Making friends
Sandya: Unity
Swaran: Beautiful colors
Syandana: Flowing
Urdha: Yours
Urvil: Ocean
Urvilla: Ocean, ocean
Male baby name of the letter W - Y
Waradana: A precious gift
Wastu: Rent object
Wikan: A smart and intelligent man
Wilasa: Fun
Wistara: Clear and smart
Wishaka: Wise
Yatha: According to
Yandra: The Power of God
Yasa: Prosperity
Yoda: Officer
Yumna: Motion
Parents, congratulations on choosing the best and most meaningful name for your handsome prince.
In addition to the unique and modern child names above, see also:
Well, Parents, here we chose 100 unique, modern and meaningful boy names for your beautiful son.
The baby boy's name is unique from the letter A
Adhikari: Special
Ardhani: Holy
Ararya: Aristocracy
Arik: Fighters
Arka: Attackers in the family
Arkana: Brightness
Arsa: Fun
Aruna: Red
Aswin: Handsome
Aryasatya: Glory
Arnawama: Ocean
Anggasta: Stay
The boy's name is unique from the letter B - C
Bawika: Good intentions
Bayanaka: Incredible
Bhadra: Congratulations
Bhadrika: Dare to be brave
Bramanty: War knight
Byakta: Looks real
Male baby name of the letter C - D
Caraka: Nomad
Cendric: Moonlight
Conary: Wise
Curtina: Unite
Chaanakya: A good student
Danadyaksa: The guardian of glory
Daniswara: Rich and noble
Darpa: Pride
Donahue: A tough fighter
The name of the boy from the letter E - F - G
Eagle: Eagle
Fazaira: Born at dawn
Ganendra: The gods
Gantari: Illuminate
Garwita: Pride
Giandra: Sentosa and smart
Hara: A series of pearls
Male baby name from the letter J - K - L
Janied: Good guy
Javas: Sticky
Jayasri: The glorious victory
Kara: Light rays
Kastara: Stellar
Kasyapi: Earth
Kailash: King of wealth
Kafin: Handsome
Kairav: The white lotus
Kaivan: Handsome
Kayana: Generous
Kawindra: King of the poet
Kenzie: A wise leader
Laksita: Famous
The name of the boy from the letter M - N
Mahija: Son of the earth
Mahatma: A great soul
Mahendra: Who sent the mission
Meidiawan: On the right path
Nata: Protector
Nataya: Patron
Nawang: Wise
Najandra: Strong
Nagarjuna: A 2nd century philosopher
Nagendra: Strong
Nalendra: The blue sapphire
Nararya: What to use
Nirwasita: Wise
Naresh: King
Nareswara: Wise, noble
Niscala: Sturdy
Male baby name of the letter O - P
Oni: Shade, protection
Onie: Shade, protection
Onni: Shade, protection
Oza: Sir
Palupi: Example
Parama: The most superior
Pastika: Crystal
Pandya: A saint and a sage
Parabawa: Glowing
Paraduta: Smart, smart
Paramayoga: The most beautiful child
Prawara: Most distinguished
Prayata: God
The name of the boy from the letter R - S - U
Radithya: The sun
Radmila: Working for the people
Sadajiwa: Live forever
Sadina: Owner of kindness
Samana: Breath of life
Samitra: Making friends
Sandya: Unity
Swaran: Beautiful colors
Syandana: Flowing
Urdha: Yours
Urvil: Ocean
Urvilla: Ocean, ocean
Male baby name of the letter W - Y
Waradana: A precious gift
Wastu: Rent object
Wikan: A smart and intelligent man
Wilasa: Fun
Wistara: Clear and smart
Wishaka: Wise
Yatha: According to
Yandra: The Power of God
Yasa: Prosperity
Yoda: Officer
Yumna: Motion
Parents, congratulations on choosing the best and most meaningful name for your handsome prince.
In addition to the unique and modern child names above, see also:
100 unique baby boy names, choice and modern
Reviewed by my-babynames.com
August 04, 2018
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