
40s Baby Boy Names Are Inspired By Nature ,Popular.

80s names for baby boys
The '80s are making a comeback. And why not? New Romantics, flouro clothes, the Rubik's Cube and the mixed tape. Many new parents of today were born in the 1980s so what better inspiration than choosing a name that was popular in the 1980s for your baby boy.

Whether you like to be different with your name choices, or you like timeless classics, there are plenty of names in this list to choose from. Which ones will you save to your baby names list?

1. Christopher

Christopher was derived from the Greek name Khristophorus, which is formed from the words khristos, meaning "Christ" and pherein "to bear".

2. James

A Scottish and English name derived from the Latin word lacomus, meaning "heel" or "supplanter". If you'd like a biblical name James is a good choice.

3. David

David hails from the Hebrew name Dawid, meaning "beloved" or "favourite". David is a biblical name making it a good choice if you'd like to pick a name linked with faith.

4. Daniel

Daniel is derived from the Hebrew name Daniyyel, meaning "God is my judge". Daniel remains popular around the world making it into the top 10 baby names of 2013 in Malaysia, Russia and the US.

5. Michael

Michael is a Hebrew name and means "who is like God". Michael has remained a popular choice.

6. Matthew

Matthew is also derived from a Hebrew name and means "gift of God". A strong biblical name for a baby boy.

7. Andrew

The English and Scottish form of the Greek word andreios, "meaning manly". If you're a fan of tennis why not name your boy after Britain's sporting hero Andrew Murray?

8. Richard

Richard is a Norman name and means "strong", "brave" and "hard". Shakespeare liked the name Richard using it several times for characters in his plays making it a great choice for those who love literature.

9. Paul

From the Latin paulos, meaning "small" or "humble". Paul was ranked as the 4th most popular baby name in Germany in 2013 and is a lovely traditional name for a boy.

10. Mark

Mark is the English form of Marcus, and the name is probably related to Mars. Mark was a particularly popular name in 1974 and is bound to make a comeback in the naming charts.

11. Adam

Derived from the Hebrew adama, meaning "birth" and a generic term for "man".

12. Robert

The name Robert means "bright" or "famous". If you like traditional names with a modern touch why not shorten Robert to 'Bobbie'?

13. John

The name John hails from Hebrew Yochanan meaning "God is gracious". The biblical reference to John means it has always been a popular name. It was the most popular name for boys in Britain between the years of 1914 and 1953 but it slipped to the second most popular spot in 1954.

14. Lee

Derived from the old English name Leah, meaning "meadow" or "clearing". A short and simple name perfect if you don't want your baby's name to be shortened at school!

15. Stephen

The name Stephen is derived from the Greek word stephanos, meaning "garland" or "crown". This name could be shortened to Steve or even Stevie.

16. Craig

Taken from the Scottish surname, which was originally from the Scottish Gaelic craeg meaning "rock". A nice choice if you'd like a strong solid name for your boy.

17. Simon

Simon originates in Hebrew and means "harkening" or "listening". Why not start a new trend by picking a baby name that was popular in the past? Simon is a name that's bound to become popular again in the near future.

18. Nicholas

Hails from the Greek name Nikolaos. The name is combined of two elements, nike, meaning "victory" and laos meaning "people". The name has recently made its way back into the top 100 names.

19. Peter

Peter originates in Greece from the word petros, and means "stone" or "rock". Peter Parker is famously known as the comic superhero Spiderman.

20. Anthony

Derived from the Latin antonius, Anthony was a Roman family name thought to mean "priceless".

21. Alexander

Alexander is derived from the Greek name Alexandros, composed of alexo, meaning "defend" and aner meaning "man".

22. Ian

The name Ian is the Scottish version of the name John, meaning God is "gracious". A perfect choice of name especially if your baby boy will have Scottish roots.

23. Gary

From the Germanic element gar, meaning "spear". Gary could be a short version of Gareth. This boys' name may well come back into fashion in the future.

24. Luke

Luke is the English version of the Greek name Loukas. A direct translation of Luke is "light giving". A short and sweet name for your little bundle.

25. Stuart

From the old English surname Steward: stig means "house" and weard means "guard".

26. Philip

Philip is an anglicised version of the name Philippos, taken from the words philos, meaning "friend" and hippos meaning "horse".

27. Darren

The name Darren originates in English and in Irish. A lovely name for a boy particularly if you're looking for a name with a shared heritage.

28. Gareth

Taken from Middle English, meaning "enclosure". This is a great choice for your boy if you'd like a name that isn't too popular.

29. Martin

The name Martin is derived from the Roman name Martinus, and the Latin martis, meaning "Mars, the Roman God of War." A classic name with a special link to the planets.

30. Kevin

Kevin is derived from the Irish name Caoimhin which is from the Irish Gaelic coem meaning "handsome" and gein meaning "birth".

31. Scott

The name Scott means "Scottish". If you're a fan of literature why not name your baby after F Scott Fitzgerald author of the novel The Great Gatsby?

32. Dean

The name Dean was originally taken from the Old English word denu, meaning "valley". If you're a fan of traditional names Dean is a brilliant choice.

33. Joseph

Joseph hails from the Hebrew name Yosef, meaning "God will give". Joseph features in the Bible as Mary's husband making it a great choice for a winter baby.

34. Jason

Jason originates in Greece. It is derived from the name Lasen, which is adapted from the word iasthai, meaning "to heal". Jason is famous in Greek mythology for his search for the Golden Fleece.

35. Neil

Taken from the Irish Gaelic name Niall Neil potentially means "cloud", "passionate" or "champion". If unusual names interest you this could be the name for your baby boy.


The name Carl is derived from the German and Scandinavian name Karl. The name was taken from the name Charles, and means "free man".


The name Sean is the Irish version of the name John which means "God is gracious".


A variant of the Greek name Timotheus, meaning "honouring God". Timothy can be shortened to Tim or Timmy.

39. Ashley

Ashley is a gender-neutral name. It comes from the old English words aesc meaning "Ash" and leah meaning "wood".


Wayne is traditionally an English name, and used to refer to a cart driver. The name is derived from the word waegen meaning "wagon" or "cart".

41. Edward

Edward is derived from the Old English words ead and wear, which together form "prosperous protector". Eight English kings have been called Edward making it a great name if you'd like your baby's name to have a touch of royalty.

42. Aaron

From the Hebrew har-on, meaning "mountain of strength". In the Bible Aaron was the older brother of Moses. Have a look at other timeless biblical names.

40s Baby Boy Names Are Inspired By Nature ,Popular. 40s Baby Boy Names Are Inspired By Nature ,Popular. Reviewed by my-babynames.com on August 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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