Collection of Beautiful, Islamic & Modern Baby Names
Even giving a good name is a parent's gratitude for the creator, because there are still many people who have not been given the confidence to have children. And maybe from you young parents, who think of names for your prospective child who will be born.
Here are some ideas for baby girl names we've collected, which can be used as an inspiration to name your daughter later.
Abidah Expert Ibadah, Who is devoted to worship
Afiyah Sehat survived
Aminah Which can be trusted
Athifah Who has compassion, feeling
Abirah Wangi
Be Fair
Holy Afifah
Afrah Periang
Aidah back
Ainul Hayah Mata of life
Aisyah Wife of the Prophet
Akifah Who does not commit
Alfiyah who has the properties of thousands
Aliyah High
Alifah Who is friendly
Alilah Who uses fragrances
Amimah Who has a long body
Amirah Princess nobleman
Anaqah Good and delicious to eat
Aniqah Beautiful is charming
Aqilah Who is intelligent, intelligent
Original Asila, Suci
Asiah Fir'un's wife is a believer
Asma Putri Abu Bakar
Athifa Gentle
Giving Athiyyah
Atiah who came
Generous Atikah, the pure one
Atsilah Who has good offspring
Azhar Flower interest
Azizah Mulia, Perkasa
Modern Islamic Baby Girl Names Alphabet B
Name Meaning
Badriyah Moon pernama
Beautiful Bahirah
Balighah Fluent
Balqis Ratu Nabi Sulaiman
Bari'ah Cantik
Bariyah Clever, Proficient
Bashirah is understandable
Basyarah Indah
Basyirah Good news
Modern Baby Girl Names Alphabet D
Dalilah Proof
Daniah Fruit is easy to pick
Dhikra Ingatan, Zikir
Daliah Air pick up tool
Daliyah Tree of Wines
Dania Almost
Dzakirah Yang dhikr, always remember
Dzakiyyah Cerdas
Islamic Baby Girl Name Alphabet F
Fadiyah Saving, Who Is Protected
Fahimah Understanding
Faidah Benefits
Faiqah Unggul, Istimewa
Fadhilah Your Majesty
Faizah wins
Proud Fakhirah
Fakhriyah Pride
Fakinah Good soul
Farah Fun
Farha Yang is happy
Farhah Yang happy
Faridah Tunggal
Happy Farihah
Farisah Hero
Fashihah Fluent
Fathiyah Pembuakaan
Fataniah Wise
Fathinah Cerdas
Fatimah Putri Rasulullah
Fauziyah Victory
Fazilah Honest, Shining
Thought Fikriyah
Islamic Baby Girl Names Alphabet H
Hafidzah Penghafal, Keeper
Hafsah Wife of Prophet, Brave
Haibah Wibawa
Hajar The wife of Prophet Ibrahim Peace be upon him
Habibah Beloved
Preacher Waiter
Hakimah Wise
Halimah with sensibility, patience
Halwa Manisan
Hamidah Bertahmid
Hanifah Straight
Haniyah Happy, Happy
Hasanah Goodness
Hasna Beautiful, Good
Hazimah A very meticulous woman
Hidayah Hint
Hindun Girlfriend
Huriyah issued faithful
Huwaidah which unites
Modern Islamic Baby Girl Names Alphabet i
Inayah Protection
Iffah Know your self-esteem
Iftinah Awesome
The Learning Emirate, Prosperity
Istiqomah Straight
Izzah Kemulian
Name of Islamic Daughter Alphabet J
Jamilah Cantik
Jauharah Gemstone
Jauza Star Gemini
Juwairiyah The name of the Prophet's wife
Beautiful Baby Girl Names Complete Alphabet K
Sentence of Sex
Kaltsum Beautiful face
We are the perfect one
You are the best known female Companion, the female deer
Karimah Your Highness
Khadijah Wife of the Prophet
Khairiah Kebaikan
Grace the Beloved
Name of Unique Islamic Girl and Complete Law of Alphabet L
Laila Malam
Spill over
Luthfiyah Gentle
Unique Islamic Baby Girl Names Alphabet M
Forgiveness Magfirah
Mahabbah Love
Mahbubah What is loved, loved
Mahdiyah Who gets guidance
Mahfuzhah Yang is looked after
Mahibah respected, full of authority
Smart Mahirah
Maimunah Who is blessed
Maisaroh Tranquility
Majidah Mulia
Manshurah Who is helped
Mansudah Easy to crave
Maqbulah Yang accepted his request
Mantsurah Good words
Mardhiyah Yang diridhoi
Mariah The name of the Prophet's wife, may be serialized
Marsya Subur
Marwa Hati is careful in thinking
Mother Mary of the Prophet Isa
Masiikah Name Shahabiyah
Famous Masyhurah
Masyithoh hair combing
Mawaddah Love
Maisurah is facilitated
Mazaya Excess
Misykah Lantern
Mufidah Yangprovide benefits
Muhajirah Yang emigrate
Muhsinah Yang do good
Mujahidah yang jihad
Mukhlishoh Yang sincere
Multazimah Who is committed
Munawwarah The series series
Incidental Munirah / Taubah
Munifah High position
Luminous Munirah
Fair Muqsithoh
Mursyidah Who guides
Muslimah Who is Muslim
Mutmainnah is calm
Modern Girl Names and Meanings of Alphabet N
Nabilah Clever, Advanced
Tones Dew
Clean Nadhifah
Nadhirah Charming
Nadiah The beginning of something
Nadidah Sepadan
Nadimah A close friend
Nadirah Rare, Rare
Nadiyah Yang called
Board Schedule, Group of people
Nafhah A cool aroma
Get extra worship
Nafisah which is valuable, high standing
Nahidhah Bagkit with determination
Nahilah Who contributes knowledge and manners
Nahiyah Yang forbids
Naifag is dignified
Nailah likes to give
Naimah Smooth, Soft
Najdah Help
Najibah Mulia
Najihah Success
Recite Have a descendant
Najimah, Najmah Bintang
Najiyah The survivor
Najwa whispered
Nakhwah Self-esteem
Namiah Perfect body, character and reason
Clear Naqiyah
Nashiroh Helper
Nasihah Wanita advisor
Nasyiah Development
Nasyidah can achieve goals
Nasyithoh Rajin, energetic, diligent
Nasywah Happiness
Natsiroh Pandai
Naurah Bunga
Equal Nazhirah
Clean Nazifah
Nazihah Bersih
Nida Call
Enjoyment of Enjoyment
Breezy Wind Nismah
Nuha Akal
Nur Aini My eyes
Nur Husnina Light of your kindness
Nur Jannah Cahaya heaven
Nuwairah A small, radiant flame
Nuzhah Recreation
Islamic Baby Girl Names and Complete Meanings of Alphabet Q
Qabilah Yang receives
Qadriyyah Who is always capable
Qafilah Group
Qoidah Rules
Qariah Reader
Qasidah Who has a purpose
Holy Quran
Companion Qarinah
Qarirah The hearty woman
Here are some ideas for baby girl names we've collected, which can be used as an inspiration to name your daughter later.
Abidah Expert Ibadah, Who is devoted to worship
Afiyah Sehat survived
Aminah Which can be trusted
Athifah Who has compassion, feeling
Abirah Wangi
Be Fair
Holy Afifah
Afrah Periang
Aidah back
Ainul Hayah Mata of life
Aisyah Wife of the Prophet
Akifah Who does not commit
Alfiyah who has the properties of thousands
Aliyah High
Alifah Who is friendly
Alilah Who uses fragrances
Amimah Who has a long body
Amirah Princess nobleman
Anaqah Good and delicious to eat
Aniqah Beautiful is charming
Aqilah Who is intelligent, intelligent
Original Asila, Suci
Asiah Fir'un's wife is a believer
Asma Putri Abu Bakar
Athifa Gentle
Giving Athiyyah
Atiah who came
Generous Atikah, the pure one
Atsilah Who has good offspring
Azhar Flower interest
Azizah Mulia, Perkasa
Modern Islamic Baby Girl Names Alphabet B
Name Meaning
Badriyah Moon pernama
Beautiful Bahirah
Balighah Fluent
Balqis Ratu Nabi Sulaiman
Bari'ah Cantik
Bariyah Clever, Proficient
Bashirah is understandable
Basyarah Indah
Basyirah Good news
Modern Baby Girl Names Alphabet D
Dalilah Proof
Daniah Fruit is easy to pick
Dhikra Ingatan, Zikir
Daliah Air pick up tool
Daliyah Tree of Wines
Dania Almost
Dzakirah Yang dhikr, always remember
Dzakiyyah Cerdas
Islamic Baby Girl Name Alphabet F
Fadiyah Saving, Who Is Protected
Fahimah Understanding
Faidah Benefits
Faiqah Unggul, Istimewa
Fadhilah Your Majesty
Faizah wins
Proud Fakhirah
Fakhriyah Pride
Fakinah Good soul
Farah Fun
Farha Yang is happy
Farhah Yang happy
Faridah Tunggal
Happy Farihah
Farisah Hero
Fashihah Fluent
Fathiyah Pembuakaan
Fataniah Wise
Fathinah Cerdas
Fatimah Putri Rasulullah
Fauziyah Victory
Fazilah Honest, Shining
Thought Fikriyah
Islamic Baby Girl Names Alphabet H
Hafidzah Penghafal, Keeper
Hafsah Wife of Prophet, Brave
Haibah Wibawa
Hajar The wife of Prophet Ibrahim Peace be upon him
Habibah Beloved
Preacher Waiter
Hakimah Wise
Halimah with sensibility, patience
Halwa Manisan
Hamidah Bertahmid
Hanifah Straight
Haniyah Happy, Happy
Hasanah Goodness
Hasna Beautiful, Good
Hazimah A very meticulous woman
Hidayah Hint
Hindun Girlfriend
Huriyah issued faithful
Huwaidah which unites
Modern Islamic Baby Girl Names Alphabet i
Inayah Protection
Iffah Know your self-esteem
Iftinah Awesome
The Learning Emirate, Prosperity
Istiqomah Straight
Izzah Kemulian
Name of Islamic Daughter Alphabet J
Jamilah Cantik
Jauharah Gemstone
Jauza Star Gemini
Juwairiyah The name of the Prophet's wife
Beautiful Baby Girl Names Complete Alphabet K
Sentence of Sex
Kaltsum Beautiful face
We are the perfect one
You are the best known female Companion, the female deer
Karimah Your Highness
Khadijah Wife of the Prophet
Khairiah Kebaikan
Grace the Beloved
Name of Unique Islamic Girl and Complete Law of Alphabet L
Laila Malam
Spill over
Luthfiyah Gentle
Unique Islamic Baby Girl Names Alphabet M
Forgiveness Magfirah
Mahabbah Love
Mahbubah What is loved, loved
Mahdiyah Who gets guidance
Mahfuzhah Yang is looked after
Mahibah respected, full of authority
Smart Mahirah
Maimunah Who is blessed
Maisaroh Tranquility
Majidah Mulia
Manshurah Who is helped
Mansudah Easy to crave
Maqbulah Yang accepted his request
Mantsurah Good words
Mardhiyah Yang diridhoi
Mariah The name of the Prophet's wife, may be serialized
Marsya Subur
Marwa Hati is careful in thinking
Mother Mary of the Prophet Isa
Masiikah Name Shahabiyah
Famous Masyhurah
Masyithoh hair combing
Mawaddah Love
Maisurah is facilitated
Mazaya Excess
Misykah Lantern
Mufidah Yangprovide benefits
Muhajirah Yang emigrate
Muhsinah Yang do good
Mujahidah yang jihad
Mukhlishoh Yang sincere
Multazimah Who is committed
Munawwarah The series series
Incidental Munirah / Taubah
Munifah High position
Luminous Munirah
Fair Muqsithoh
Mursyidah Who guides
Muslimah Who is Muslim
Mutmainnah is calm
Modern Girl Names and Meanings of Alphabet N
Nabilah Clever, Advanced
Tones Dew
Clean Nadhifah
Nadhirah Charming
Nadiah The beginning of something
Nadidah Sepadan
Nadimah A close friend
Nadirah Rare, Rare
Nadiyah Yang called
Board Schedule, Group of people
Nafhah A cool aroma
Get extra worship
Nafisah which is valuable, high standing
Nahidhah Bagkit with determination
Nahilah Who contributes knowledge and manners
Nahiyah Yang forbids
Naifag is dignified
Nailah likes to give
Naimah Smooth, Soft
Najdah Help
Najibah Mulia
Najihah Success
Recite Have a descendant
Najimah, Najmah Bintang
Najiyah The survivor
Najwa whispered
Nakhwah Self-esteem
Namiah Perfect body, character and reason
Clear Naqiyah
Nashiroh Helper
Nasihah Wanita advisor
Nasyiah Development
Nasyidah can achieve goals
Nasyithoh Rajin, energetic, diligent
Nasywah Happiness
Natsiroh Pandai
Naurah Bunga
Equal Nazhirah
Clean Nazifah
Nazihah Bersih
Nida Call
Enjoyment of Enjoyment
Breezy Wind Nismah
Nuha Akal
Nur Aini My eyes
Nur Husnina Light of your kindness
Nur Jannah Cahaya heaven
Nuwairah A small, radiant flame
Nuzhah Recreation
Islamic Baby Girl Names and Complete Meanings of Alphabet Q
Qabilah Yang receives
Qadriyyah Who is always capable
Qafilah Group
Qoidah Rules
Qariah Reader
Qasidah Who has a purpose
Holy Quran
Companion Qarinah
Qarirah The hearty woman
Collection of Beautiful, Islamic & Modern Baby Names
Reviewed by
August 04, 2018

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