Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter A
Children are God's blessings (SWT) and joy of life. For parents, children are one of the greatest gifts given to them by Allah (SWT). They bring happiness into one's life and give someone to fight for in this world. Children are also a source of salvation for Muslims because it is our belief that caring for one's children leads to the pleasure and kindness of the Almighty. Therefore there are many children's rights that have been placed on parents in Islam. One of them is giving children a good name, a name that is pleasant and gentle or has a good meaning.
Naming your baby is the most important choice that you can make as expected or new parent. has become a trusted name source.
Baby Boy Name starts with the letter A
Naming your baby is the most important choice that you can make as expected or new parent. has become a trusted name source.
Baby Boy Name starts with the letter A
Al | Boy | Description of a Lion, Name of the Prophet's Uncle, Help of God (Alalh) |
Abd | Boy | Slave, Servant |
Abs | Boy | Austere, Frowning |
Abu | Boy | Lord, Master, Father (Pahlavi) |
Ada | Boy | Fulfilling a Duty, Paying, Beauty, Elegance, Graceful Manner |
Adi | Boy | More, Extra, Companion of Prophet Muhammad, Jewel or Ornament, Myth Name, Beginning, First Born, Adornment, Jewel, Superior, Ornament |
Adl | Boy | Justice, Equity, Another Name for the Quran |
Ahd | Boy | Knowledge |
Aiz | Boy | Mare |
Ala | Boy | Nobility, Excellence, Superior, All and Rich, Power, Rule, Truthful, Noble, Exalted, Defending Men |
Ali | Boy | God, Excellent, Noble, Sublime, Light, Lofty, To Ascend, Exalted One, Also Mohammad's Son-in-law, Elevated |
Aly | Boy | The High, Exalted One |
Amr | Boy | Order, Command, Old Arabic Name, The Generous One |
Aqa | Boy | Master, Owner |
Ata | Boy | Abandon, One of Twins, From Fante, Gift, Donation, To Give, Twin, Father |
Auj | Boy | Zenith, Climax |
Aun | Boy | Helping |
Aus | Boy | To Give, Gift |
Awf | Boy | A Plant with a Nice Smell |
Awn | Boy | Support, To Help, Assist |
Aws | Boy | Name of a Tribe in Madinah |
Ayn | Boy | Source |
Aza | Boy | Comfort |
Azb | Boy | Sweet |
Aafa | Boy | Forgiver |
Aaid | Boy | Restore |
Aaki | Boy | Eye |
Aali | Boy | Name of Allah |
Aauf | Boy | Guest, Fragrance, Lion |
Aawf | Boy | Lion |
Aazz | Boy | Mightier, Stronger, Dearer, More Beloved |
Abab | Boy | Softness Gracefulness of Youth, Healthy, Plump, Tall |
Abad | Boy | Everlasting, Eternal, Father, Populated, Flourishing Inhabited, Happy, Prosperous |
Abaj | Boy | Eternity |
Aban | Boy | Old Arabic Name, Dual of Abu, 8th Month of the Iranian Calendar, Name of a Certain Angel, Bloom of Love, Little Abbot, Waters |
Abar | Boy | Son of Arphaxad and Grandson of Shem |
Abba | Boy | Father |
Abdi | Boy | Abbreviated Form of Abdul, My Servant |
Abdo | Boy | Very Sensitive and Kind |
Abdu | Boy | Worshipper of God |
Abed | Boy | Worshipper, Adorer |
Abid | Boy | Worshipper of Allah, Spark of Fire, Worshipper of God |
Abiq | Boy | Exhaling, Fragrance |
Abir | Boy | Perfume, Colour, Thinker, Traveller, Strong, Red Powder, The Red Colour Used in Holi Festival |
Abis | Boy | Quick, Alert, Swift |
Abiz | Boy | Spark of Fire |
Abra | Boy | Fire, Cloud |
Absi | Boy | Probably from Abasa to Frown, This was the Name of Abdullah Ibn-musa, A Scholar and Reciter of the Quran |
Abul | Boy | Servant of Allah |
Adab | Boy | Respect |
Adad | Boy | Power, Victory, Storm and Flood God |
Adal | Boy | Precious, Nobel |
Adam | Boy | Red Earth, First Human Being, Created by God, Red, Man, To be Red, Ruby, A Prophet's Name, Man of Earth, First Human |
Adan | Boy | Variation of Adam from the Red Earth, Earth, Man |
Adel | Boy | Righteous, Upright, Sincere, Justice, Noble, Equal, Alike, God is Eternal, High-born, Brave |
Adem | Boy | Earth, Of the Earth |
Adib | Boy | Cultured, Well Mannered One, Scholar, Civil, Educated Person |
Adil | Boy | Sincere, Just, Fair, Judicious, Honest, Righteous, Negotiation, Exchange, Justice, Upright, Kindness, Fear, Nest |
Adim | Boy | Entire Universe, Earth |
Adiy | Boy | A Companion of the Prophet, Also the Name of the Son of Hatim Tiay Known for his Generosity |
Adli | Boy | Juridical |
Adra | Boy | More Knowledgeable, Better Informed, Hard, Rock |
Adut | Boy | Add Meaning |
Afaq | Boy | Deep, Depth Like Sky, The Place Where Earth and Sky Meet |
Afif | Boy | Pure-chaste, Chaste, Modest |
Afsa | Boy | Transparent, Clear |
Afta | Boy | Later Born, Younger |
Afuw | Boy | One who Pardons |
Agha | Boy | Pre-eminent, Master, Owner, Sinful, Another Name for God, Fight |
Ahad | Boy | Another Name for God, One, An Individual, Allah |
Ahan | Boy | Rich, Morning, Dawn, One who is of the Nature of Time Itself |
Ahda | Boy | Best Guide |
Ahil | Boy | Prince, Emperor, Ruler |
Ahsa | Boy | Strong, Valiant Men |
Aidh | Boy | Name of a Reciter of the Holy Quran |
Aini | Boy | Genuine, Original, Relating to the Eyes |
Aish | Boy | Live, Enjoy Life |
Ajab | Boy | Wonder, Astonishment, Miraculous |
Ajal | Boy | Period |
Ajaz | Boy | Profitable |
Ajda | Boy | Useful, Advantageous |
Ajer | Boy | Reward |
Ajib | Boy | Wonderful, Strange |
Ajij | Boy | Fire, Flame |
Ajim | Boy | Zeal, Fire, Heat |
Akal | Boy | Timeless, Chief of a Tribe, Supreme Being |
Akhi | Boy | My Brother, Manly, Generous |
Akib | Boy | Add Meaning |
Akid | Boy | Certain, Strong, Firm |
Akif | Boy | Focused, Attached, Intent |
Akil | Boy | Sweet Smell, Fire, The Wanderer, Intelligent, Thoughtful, One who Uses Reason, Place Name, Pain or Lipless |
Ala' | Boy | Nobility |
Alaa | Boy | Nobility, Excellence |
Alai | Boy | Defender of Man |
Alam | Boy | The Whole World, World |
Alem | Boy | Wise Man |
Alif | Boy | The First Character in Hijaiyah |
Alih | Boy | Idol, God, Brave |
Alim | Boy | Learned, Scholarly, Omniscient, Wise Man |
Alin | Boy | Fair, Handsome, Both a Diminutive of Albert, Noble, Rock, Comely, To Soothe, Bearer of the Light, Scorpion, The Zodiac Sign Scorpio |
Aluf | Boy | Friendly, Devoted, Faithful |
Alva | Boy | Noble Friend, Elf, Brilliance, Brightness, Height, Exalted, Battle |
Alvi | Boy | Fan of Hazrat Ali (RA) |
Amad | Boy | Serious, Much Praised, One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad, Without Intoxication, Grave |
Amal | Boy | Expectation, Bird, Hard Work, Bright, Clean, Pure, Unblemished, Hope, Aspiration |
Amam | Boy | Safety, Protection |
Aman | Boy | Wonder, Peace, Hero, Safety, Protection, Honest, Faithful, Trustworthy, Security, The One who is Peaceful |
Amar | Boy | Forever, Long Life, Luck, Everlasting, The Immortal One |
Amat | Boy | Slave, Observation |
Amed | Boy | Hopeful, Polite Person, Great Tree |
Amer | Boy | Rich, One who Builds, Great Tree |
Amid | Boy | Support, Leader, Chief, A Great Man, Amin |
Amil | Boy | Invaluable |
Amin | Boy | Divine Grace, Trustworthy, Honest, Amin, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Faithful, Custodian |
Amir | Boy | Rich, Leader, From Kikuyu, Wealthy, Ruler, King, Emir, Treetop, Sheaf, Prince Ruler, Mighty, Strong, Prosperous, Proclaimed, Commander |
Amit | Boy | Boundless, Without Limit, Nobody can Distroy, Unstoppable, Upright, Friendly, Faithful, A Great Deal with World |
Amro | Boy | Add Meaning |
Amru | Boy | Life and Alive |
Amud | Boy | Support, Chieftain, Trustworthy Messenger |
Amun | Boy | Trustworthy, God of Mystery, Strong, Bold, Name of a God of Wind and Air |
Amzi | Boy | Strong |
Anam | Boy | Blessing |
Anan | Boy | Cloud |
Anas | Boy | A Group of People, Affection, Love, Friendliness, Pleasant Companionship |
Anif | Boy | Noble, Lofty |
Aazif | Boy | Add Meaning |
Aazim | Boy | Determined |
Abaan | Boy | Old Arabic Name |
Abaas | Boy | Lion |
Abadi | Boy | Eternal, Endless, Immortal, Pleasantness |
Abahh | Boy | Alabahh was the Nickname of Al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim, An Astrologer of Al Mamun |
Abaid | Boy | Worshipper of God, God Knows |
Abann | Boy | Tall, Strong |
Abasi | Boy | Stern |
Abbad | Boy | Great Worshipper |
Abbar | Boy | Strong |
Abbas | Boy | Description of a Lion, Looking Austere, Lion, Stern, Frowning One, Name of Mohammad's Uncle, A Family Name |
Abbes | Boy | Add Meaning |
Abbud | Boy | Worshipper of Allah, Devoted, Obedient |
Abdah | Boy | Nick Name of Abdur Rehman Bin Sulayman the Father of Muhammad Ibn Abdur Rahman, The Genealogist |
Abdal | Boy | Substitutes, Persons by whom God Continues the World in Existence |
Abdan | Boy | Add Meaning |
Abdel | Boy | Servant of God |
Abdou | Boy | Add Meaning |
Abduh | Boy | Add Meaning |
Abduk | Boy | Lucky |
Abdul | Boy | Knowledge, Servant of the Lord |
Abdun | Boy | Add Meaning |
Abdur | Boy | Add Meaning |
Abdus | Boy | Name of the Narrator of One of the Hadith |
Ajmal | Boy | Pious, Extremely Beautiful, Handsome |
Ajmar | Boy | Fastest |
Ajmel | Boy | Beautiful |
Ajnat | Boy | Cheek |
Ajwad | Boy | Better, Best, More Generous |
Ajwed | Boy | Heaven Stone |
Ajzal | Boy | Of Great Intellect |
Akbar | Boy | Powerful, Greatest, Bigger |
Akeel | Boy | World |
Akeem | Boy | Originating from God, Wise |
Akfah | Boy | Black |
Akhas | Boy | A Narrator of Hadith, Excellent, Special |
Akhil | Boy | Complete, Tree, Naughty, Intelligent, God, World |
Akhir | Boy | Latest |
Akiel | Boy | Steady, Wise, Intelligent |
Akili | Boy | Intelligent, From Kikuyu, Cleverness, Wit |
Akiyl | Boy | Add Meaning |
Aklaf | Boy | Lion |
Akmad | Boy | Dark |
Akmal | Boy | Perfect, Whole, More Complete |
Akram | Boy | Excellent, More Generous-noble, Generous, Another Name for God |
Akwan | Boy | Existence, Creations, Frightening Thought |
Akyas | Boy | Wise, Intelligent, Ingenious, Very Wise |
Alawi | Boy | Add Meaning |
Aleef | Boy | Sociable, Amicable, Friendly |
Asaad | Boy | Happier |
Asbat | Boy | More Reliable, Steadier, A Narrator of Hadith |
Aseed | Boy | Narrator of Hadith |
Aseef | Boy | Forgiveness |
Aseel | Boy | Son of Elite Family |
Aseem | Boy | Longer, Boundless, Limitless Asim, Defender, Unlimited, Infinite, Limitless |
Aseer | Boy | Preferred, Noble, Exquisite |
Asgar | Boy | Devotee |
Ashab | Boy | Reddish, Blond, Fair |
Ashaj | Boy | Abu Addunya Almaghrabi, Had this Name, He was a Narrator of Hadith |
Ashar | Boy | Noble One of God |
Ashaz | Boy | One in a Million, Name of a Sahabi During the Time of Prophet |
Ashik | Boy | Dagger, Sharp |
Ashim | Boy | Limitless |
Ashiq | Boy | Lover, Variant of Aashiq, Sweetheart |
Ashir | Boy | Living |
Ashja | Boy | More Courageous, Braver |
Asjad | Boy | Jewel, Gold |
Asjid | Boy | One who Prays to God |
Askar | Boy | Army |
Aslam | Boy | Greeting, Safer, Freer |
Aslan | Boy | Lion |
Asmar | Boy | Deep Yellow, Tawny |
Asmir | Boy | Greater than the Sky |
Asraf | Boy | Without Grief |
Abreeq | Boy | Glittering Sword |
Absaar | Boy | Seeing, Sight |
Absham | Boy | A Tree which has Scent |
Abt'hi | Boy | One who Lives in Abtah, A Place Near Makkah |
Abteen | Boy | Father of Faridoon (a King) |
AbuAli | Boy | Father of Ali |
AbuAmr | Boy | Father of Amr |
Abuzar | Boy | Name of Sahabi |
Abzari | Boy | Spice, Seedsman, One who Sows, The Persian Scribe and Memoriser of Tradition, Abuishaq Ibrahim had this Name |
Achmad | Boy | Much Praised, One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad |
Achmed | Boy | Much Praised, One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad |
Adalat | Boy | Justice |
Adelky | Boy | Add Meaning |
Adheem | Boy | Great |
Adheen | Boy | Devotee, Follower |
Adnaan | Boy | Bravery, Lion |
Adorer | Boy | Worshippers, Adorers |
Adrish | Boy | Mirror |
Adskan | Boy | Knight |
Afandi | Boy | Lord, Noble, Master |
Afdaal | Boy | Better |
Afdhal | Boy | Causing to Excel, Excellent, Prominent, Beautify |
Affaan | Boy | Name of Caliph Uthman's Father |
Afhaam | Boy | Intelligence, Sense |
Afiyat | Boy | Good Health, Ease, Comfort |
Arshia | Boy | Throne |
Arslan | Boy | Lion |
Arwarh | Boy | More Delicate, More Gracious |
Arzang | Boy | An Ancient Wrestler |
Asadel | Boy | Successful, Most Prosperous One |
Asadul | Boy | Add Meaning |
Asbaat | Boy | Bin Muhammad Al-qurashi a Narrator of Hadith had this Name |
Asbagh | Boy | Coloured Animal, Huge Flood |
Asfand | Boy | Month of March |
Asfour | Boy | Bird |
Asghar | Boy | Smaller, Younger, Shorter, Junior |
Ash'ab | Boy | Lion, Difficult, Strict |
Ashaas | Boy | Humble, Scattered, Spread about |
Asheem | Boy | Boundless |
Ashfaq | Boy | Noble Prince, Kindness, Compassion |
Ashhal | Boy | Having Bluish Black Eyes, Bin Hatim had this Name, He was a Narrator of Hadith |
Ashhar | Boy | Famous, Popular |
Ashkaf | Boy | Add Meaning |
Ashkan | Boy | Name of the 3rd Dynasty of Persian Kings |
Ashmal | Boy | Perfect, Complete |
Ashmil | Boy | Add Meaning |
Ashnad | Boy | Swimmer |
Ashour | Boy | Strongest Assyrian King |
Ashqar | Boy | Add Meaning |
Ashraf | Boy | Cultured, Without Grief, More Honourable |
Almahdi | Boy | Rightly Guided |
Alnahdi | Boy | Add Meaning |
AlTahir | Boy | Nickname of Abdullah, Son of Muhammad who Died in Infancy |
Alyasaa | Boy | A Prophet Name Elisha |
AlyKhan | Boy | Spirit from Heaven, Lovely |
Amaanat | Boy | Treasure, Security, Deposit |
Ammarah | Boy | Punctual, Obedient |
Anjuman | Boy | A Token, A Symbol |
Annnees | Boy | Friendly, Of Good Company, Inmate |
Antarah | Boy | Fearless Bravery, This was the Name of the Freed Slave of Sulaym |
Arabick | Boy | Add Meaning |
Arafaat | Boy | A Pilgrimage Site 25km from City Mecca |
Aramazd | Boy | Divinity of Wisdom |
Arastoo | Boy | Best Purpose |
Ardalan | Boy | Ardalan is an Iranian Kurdish Dynasty |
Arjmand | Boy | Bountiful |
Arsalan | Boy | Lion, King of Jungle, Brave Man |
Arsylan | Boy | Add Meaning |
Asha'as | Boy | Scattered, Spread about, Humble |
Ashaath | Boy | Scattered, Humble, Spread about |
Ashmaan | Boy | Heaven |
Ashmath | Boy | Correct Path, Straight Path |
Asliraf | Boy | Honourable |
Atallah | Boy | Gift of Allah, God Gift, Variant of Ataullah |
Ataubaq | Boy | Handsome, Beautiful, Helpful, Generous and Got a Lot of Love to Share, Generous |
Altufail | Boy | Add Meaning |
Amerulla | Boy | Prince |
Amrullah | Boy | The Order of Allah (SWT) |
Ardashir | Boy | Righteous Ruler |
Arjumand | Boy | Respected, Noble |
Arsalaan | Boy | Lion, King of Jungle |
Asha'ath | Boy | Scattered, Spread about, Humble |
AshiqAli | Boy | Adorer of Ali |
AtaAllah | Boy | Gift of God |
Ataullah | Boy | Gift of Allah, God Gift |
Attaboak | Boy | Defender, Teacher, Guide |
Aynuddin | Boy | Source of the Faith (Islam) |
AyubKhan | Boy | Add Meaning |
Aaarabisk | Boy | Add Meaning |
Aalamgeer | Boy | Conqueror of the World |
Abaravand | Boy | Above All |
Abbasiyah | Boy | Pertaining to Abbas |
Abd-Allah | Boy | Add Meaning |
Abd-Khayr | Boy | Goodness, Happiness |
AbdAlAlim | Boy | Servant of the All-knowing |
AbdalAziz | Boy | Servant of the Mighty One |
AbdAlBari | Boy | Servant of Allah |
AbdalHadi | Boy | Servant of the Leader |
AbdalMufi | Boy | Servant of the Donor |
AbdalRauf | Boy | Servant of the Compassionate |
AlKhayyat | Boy | Add Meaning |
Alparslan | Boy | Hero Lion |
Amanuddin | Boy | Trust of Religion Islam |
Amanullah | Boy | Trust |
Aminuddin | Boy | Trustworthy in Religion (Islam) |
Asadullah | Boy | Lion of Allah, Title of Ali |
Asfandyar | Boy | Add Meaning |
Asiruddin | Boy | Honoured Person of the Religion |
Ata-Allah | Boy | Gift of Allah |
Aurangzeb | Boy | A Person Befitting the Throne, Ornament of the Throne |
Awelijama | Boy | Man of Somali |
Ayatullah | Boy | Sign of Allah |
AynunNaim | Boy | Fountain of Blessing |
Azarudeen | Boy | Sushanths Friend |
Azizullah | Boy | Dear to Allah |
Azududdin | Boy | Support of Religion Islam |
Aashiq-Ali | Boy | Adorer of Ali |
Abd-al-Ala | Boy | Slave of the High |
AbdalHakim | Boy | Servant of the Wise One |
AbdalHalim | Boy | Servant of the Patient One |
AbdalHamid | Boy | Servant of the Praiseworthy One |
AbdalJabir | Boy | Servant of the Comforter |
AbdalKadir | Boy | Servant of the Capable |
AbdalKarim | Boy | Servant of the Generous One |
AbdalLafif | Boy | Servant of the Kind One |
AbdulMunim | Boy | Servant of the Benefactor, Slave of the Generous |
AbdulNasir | Boy | Servant of the Helper, Protector |
AbdulQabiz | Boy | Servant of the Withholder |
AbdulQader | Boy | Servant of the Capable |
AbdulQadir | Boy | Servant of the Capable |
AbdulQudus | Boy | Servant of the Most Holy |
AbdulRa'uf | Boy | Servant of the Most Merciful |
AbdulRaafi | Boy | One who Elevates, Servant of the One who Raises, Intellect, Esteem |
AbdulRahim | Boy | Servant of the Merciful |
AbdulRaouf | Boy | Servant of the Most Merciful |
AbdulRaqib | Boy | Slave of the Vigilant |
AbdulRazaq | Boy | Servant of the Maintainer, The Provider |
AbdulSabur | Boy | Servant of the Patient |
AbdulSalam | Boy | Servant of the Peace |
AbdulSamad | Boy | Servant of the Eternal |
AbdulSatar | Boy | Add Meaning |
AbdulVajed | Boy | Servant of the Finder |
AbdulVakil | Boy | Servant of the Implementer |
AbdulWaali | Boy | Slave of the Governor |
AbdulWadud | Boy | Servant of the Loving |
AbdulWahab | Boy | Servant of the Giver |
AbdulWahid | Boy | Servant of the Unique One |
AbdulWajid | Boy | Servant of the Finder |
AbdulWakil | Boy | Servant of the Trustee |
AbdulWaliy | Boy | Servant of the Protecting |
Abdul-Kabir | Boy | Servant of the Great |
Abdul-Kader | Boy | Servant of the Able |
Abdul-Karim | Boy | Servant of the Generous / Noble (Allah) |
Abdul-Latif | Boy | Servant of the Gentle / Kind One (Allah) |
Abdul-Maane | Boy | Servant of the Withholder |
Abdul-Majid | Boy | Servant of the Glorious One (Allah) |
Abdul-Malik | Boy | Servant of the Master / King (Allah) |
Abdul-Matin | Boy | Servant of the Firm / Strong (Allah) |
Abdul-Mohsi | Boy | Servant of the Surrounder |
Abdul-Momit | Boy | Servant of the Death-giver |
Abdul-Moqit | Boy | Servant of the Energizer |
Abdul-Mubdi | Boy | Servant of the Originator |
Abdul-Mueed | Boy | Slave of the Restorer, The Reproducer |
Abdul-Mueid | Boy | Servant of the Restorer |
Abdul-Muhsi | Boy | Servant of the Reckoner |
Abdul-Muhyi | Boy | Servant of the Giver of Life |
Abdul-Muizz | Boy | Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory |
Abdul-Mujib | Boy | Servant of the Responder / Answerer (Allah) |
Abdul-Mumin | Boy | Servant of the Giver of Faith (Allah) |
Abdul-Munim | Boy | Slave of the Generous / Benefactor (Allah) |
Abdul-Nasir | Boy | Protector, Servant of the Helper |
Abdul-Qabiz | Boy | Servant of the Withholder |
Abdul-Qadir | Boy | Servant of the Capable / Powerful (Allah) |
Abdul-Qahir | Boy | Servant of the Subduer (Allah) |
Abdul-Raafi | Boy | Servant of the One who Raises, Intellect, One who Elevates, Esteem |
AbdurRazzaq | Boy | Servant of the Allprovider (Allah), Ibn Hammam was One of those Prominent People with this Name |
AbdurRehman | Boy | One who Serves a Merciful Man |
Abdus-Sabur | Boy | Slave of the Forbearing |
Abdus-Salam | Boy | Servant of the All-peaceable |
Abdus-Samad | Boy | Slave of the Eternal, The Independent |
Abdus-Shafi | Boy | Slave of the Healer |
AbdusSalaam | Boy | Slave of the Giver of Peace |
AbdusSattar | Boy | Slave of the One who Conceals Faults |
AbdusSubhan | Boy | Servant of the Glory (Allah) |
Abduz-Zahir | Boy | Servant of the Overt / Manifest |
Abu-Ibrahim | Boy | The Fater of Ibrahim |
Abu-Ubaidah | Boy | Great Sahabi of the Prophet |
AbuAbdullah | Boy | Father of Abdullah |
AbuHurairah | Boy | Father of a Kitten |
AbuHurayrah | Boy | Add Meaning |
Abul-Bashar | Boy | Father of Mankind, An Epithet of Adam who was also the First Prophet |
Abul-Haisam | Boy | Sahabi, Great Scholar of History |
Abul-Hassan | Boy | The Son of Ali |
Abul-Husain | Boy | Father of Husain, Caliph Ali |
AbulBarakat | Boy | Father of Blessings, Blissful |
AbulMahasin | Boy | Father of Virtues, Merits |
AbulMasakin | Boy | Father of the Poor |
AbulMusawir | Boy | Add Meaning |
AbuMuhammad | Boy | Add Meaning |
Afif-ud-Din | Boy | Virtuous of the Religion |
Abdush-Shafi | Boy | Slave of the Healer |
AbdushShahid | Boy | Slave of the Witness |
AbdusSubbooh | Boy | Slave of the Extremely Pure |
Abdut-Tawwab | Boy | Servant of the Most Forgiving (Allah) |
Abu-al-Khayr | Boy | One who does Good |
Abu-at-Tahir | Boy | The Father of Tahir |
Abu-Hurairah | Boy | A Great Sahabi who is the Narrator of Many Traditions |
Abu-Huzaifah | Boy | Famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah |
Abul-Barakat | Boy | Blissful, Father of Blessings |
Abul-Mahasin | Boy | Merits, Father of Virtues |
AbulMahzurat | Boy | Father of a Scare-crow |
AbuMahzoorah | Boy | Name of One Companion of the Prophet of Allah |
Afsar-ud-Din | Boy | Adorning the Religion |
Aftab-ud-Din | Boy | Sun of the Religion (Islam) |
Alamul-Hudaa | Boy | Banner of Guidance |
Allah-Bakhsh | Boy | Gift of Allah |
AltafHussain | Boy | Kindness of Husain |
Amiduddawlah | Boy | Support of the State |
Anwarulkarim | Boy | Lights of the Beneficent Allah |
Anwarussadat | Boy | Brilliant |
AnwerusSadat | Boy | The Most Brilliant of the Sayyids |
Ataur-Rahman | Boy | Gift of the Merciful / Allah |
Ayn-ul-Ghurr | Boy | The Chief of the Chosen One |
Ayn-Un-Naeem | Boy | The Spring of Blessing |
Azududdawlah | Boy | Strength of the State |
Alam-ul-Yaqeen | Boy | The Banner of Belief |
Ashrafus-Sadat | Boy | Noble |
Aashiq-Muhammad | Boy | Adorer of the Prophet Muhammad |
Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter A
Reviewed by
September 01, 2018

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