
Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter A

Children are God's blessings (SWT) and joy of life. For parents, children are one of the greatest gifts given to them by Allah (SWT). They bring happiness into one's life and give someone to fight for in this world. Children are also a source of salvation for Muslims because it is our belief that caring for one's children leads to the pleasure and kindness of the Almighty. Therefore there are many children's rights that have been placed on parents in Islam. One of them is giving children a good name, a name that is pleasant and gentle or has a good meaning.

Naming your baby is the most important choice that you can make as expected or new parent. https://my-babynames.blogspot.com has become a trusted name source.

Baby Boy Name starts with the letter A

Al Boy Description of a Lion, Name of the Prophet's Uncle, Help of God (Alalh)
Abd Boy Slave, Servant
Abs Boy Austere, Frowning
Abu Boy Lord, Master, Father (Pahlavi)
Ada Boy Fulfilling a Duty, Paying, Beauty, Elegance, Graceful Manner
Adi Boy More, Extra, Companion of Prophet Muhammad, Jewel or Ornament, Myth Name, Beginning, First Born, Adornment, Jewel, Superior, Ornament
Adl Boy Justice, Equity, Another Name for the Quran
Ahd Boy Knowledge
Aiz Boy Mare
Ala Boy Nobility, Excellence, Superior, All and Rich, Power, Rule, Truthful, Noble, Exalted, Defending Men
Ali Boy God, Excellent, Noble, Sublime, Light, Lofty, To Ascend, Exalted One, Also Mohammad's Son-in-law, Elevated
Aly Boy The High, Exalted One
Amr Boy Order, Command, Old Arabic Name, The Generous One
Aqa Boy Master, Owner
Ata Boy Abandon, One of Twins, From Fante, Gift, Donation, To Give, Twin, Father
Auj Boy Zenith, Climax
Aun Boy Helping
Aus Boy To Give, Gift
Awf Boy A Plant with a Nice Smell
Awn Boy Support, To Help, Assist
Aws Boy Name of a Tribe in Madinah
Ayn Boy Source
Aza Boy Comfort
Azb Boy Sweet
Aafa Boy Forgiver
Aaid Boy Restore
Aaki Boy Eye
Aali Boy Name of Allah
Aauf Boy Guest, Fragrance, Lion
Aawf Boy Lion
Aazz Boy Mightier, Stronger, Dearer, More Beloved
Abab Boy Softness Gracefulness of Youth, Healthy, Plump, Tall
Abad Boy Everlasting, Eternal, Father, Populated, Flourishing Inhabited, Happy, Prosperous
Abaj Boy Eternity
Aban Boy Old Arabic Name, Dual of Abu, 8th Month of the Iranian Calendar, Name of a Certain Angel, Bloom of Love, Little Abbot, Waters
Abar Boy Son of Arphaxad and Grandson of Shem
Abba Boy Father
Abdi Boy Abbreviated Form of Abdul, My Servant
Abdo Boy Very Sensitive and Kind
Abdu Boy Worshipper of God
Abed Boy Worshipper, Adorer
Abid Boy Worshipper of Allah, Spark of Fire, Worshipper of God
Abiq Boy Exhaling, Fragrance
Abir Boy Perfume, Colour, Thinker, Traveller, Strong, Red Powder, The Red Colour Used in Holi Festival
Abis Boy Quick, Alert, Swift
Abiz Boy Spark of Fire
Abra Boy Fire, Cloud
Absi Boy Probably from Abasa to Frown, This was the Name of Abdullah Ibn-musa, A Scholar and Reciter of the Quran
Abul Boy Servant of Allah
Adab Boy Respect
Adad Boy Power, Victory, Storm and Flood God
Adal Boy Precious, Nobel
Adam Boy Red Earth, First Human Being, Created by God, Red, Man, To be Red, Ruby, A Prophet's Name, Man of Earth, First Human
Adan Boy Variation of Adam from the Red Earth, Earth, Man
Adel Boy Righteous, Upright, Sincere, Justice, Noble, Equal, Alike, God is Eternal, High-born, Brave
Adem Boy Earth, Of the Earth
Adib Boy Cultured, Well Mannered One, Scholar, Civil, Educated Person
Adil Boy Sincere, Just, Fair, Judicious, Honest, Righteous, Negotiation, Exchange, Justice, Upright, Kindness, Fear, Nest
Adim Boy Entire Universe, Earth
Adiy Boy A Companion of the Prophet, Also the Name of the Son of Hatim Tiay Known for his Generosity
Adli Boy Juridical
Adra Boy More Knowledgeable, Better Informed, Hard, Rock
Adut Boy Add Meaning
Afaq Boy Deep, Depth Like Sky, The Place Where Earth and Sky Meet
Afif Boy Pure-chaste, Chaste, Modest
Afsa Boy Transparent, Clear
Afta Boy Later Born, Younger
Afuw Boy One who Pardons
Agha Boy Pre-eminent, Master, Owner, Sinful, Another Name for God, Fight
Ahad Boy Another Name for God, One, An Individual, Allah
Ahan Boy Rich, Morning, Dawn, One who is of the Nature of Time Itself
Ahda Boy Best Guide
Ahil Boy Prince, Emperor, Ruler
Ahsa Boy Strong, Valiant Men
Aidh Boy Name of a Reciter of the Holy Quran
Aini Boy Genuine, Original, Relating to the Eyes
Aish Boy Live, Enjoy Life
Ajab Boy Wonder, Astonishment, Miraculous
Ajal Boy Period
Ajaz Boy Profitable
Ajda Boy Useful, Advantageous
Ajer Boy Reward
Ajib Boy Wonderful, Strange
Ajij Boy Fire, Flame
Ajim Boy Zeal, Fire, Heat
Akal Boy Timeless, Chief of a Tribe, Supreme Being
Akhi Boy My Brother, Manly, Generous
Akib Boy Add Meaning
Akid Boy Certain, Strong, Firm
Akif Boy Focused, Attached, Intent
Akil Boy Sweet Smell, Fire, The Wanderer, Intelligent, Thoughtful, One who Uses Reason, Place Name, Pain or Lipless
Ala' Boy Nobility
Alaa Boy Nobility, Excellence
Alai Boy Defender of Man
Alam Boy The Whole World, World
Alem Boy Wise Man
Alif Boy The First Character in Hijaiyah
Alih Boy Idol, God, Brave
Alim Boy Learned, Scholarly, Omniscient, Wise Man
Alin Boy Fair, Handsome, Both a Diminutive of Albert, Noble, Rock, Comely, To Soothe, Bearer of the Light, Scorpion, The Zodiac Sign Scorpio
Aluf Boy Friendly, Devoted, Faithful
Alva Boy Noble Friend, Elf, Brilliance, Brightness, Height, Exalted, Battle
Alvi Boy Fan of Hazrat Ali (RA)
Amad Boy Serious, Much Praised, One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad, Without Intoxication, Grave
Amal Boy Expectation, Bird, Hard Work, Bright, Clean, Pure, Unblemished, Hope,   Aspiration
Amam Boy Safety, Protection
Aman Boy Wonder, Peace, Hero, Safety, Protection, Honest, Faithful, Trustworthy,   Security, The One who is Peaceful
Amar Boy Forever, Long Life, Luck, Everlasting, The Immortal One
Amat Boy Slave, Observation
Amed Boy Hopeful, Polite Person, Great Tree
Amer Boy Rich, One who Builds, Great Tree
Amid Boy Support, Leader, Chief, A Great Man, Amin
Amil Boy Invaluable
Amin Boy Divine Grace, Trustworthy, Honest, Amin, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Faithful, Custodian
Amir Boy Rich, Leader, From Kikuyu, Wealthy, Ruler, King, Emir, Treetop, Sheaf, Prince Ruler, Mighty, Strong, Prosperous, Proclaimed, Commander
Amit Boy Boundless, Without Limit, Nobody can Distroy, Unstoppable, Upright, Friendly, Faithful, A Great Deal with World
Amro Boy Add Meaning
Amru Boy Life and Alive
Amud Boy Support, Chieftain, Trustworthy Messenger
Amun Boy Trustworthy, God of Mystery, Strong, Bold, Name of a God of Wind and Air
Amzi Boy Strong
Anam Boy Blessing
Anan Boy Cloud
Anas Boy A Group of People, Affection, Love, Friendliness, Pleasant Companionship
Anif Boy Noble, Lofty
Aazif Boy Add Meaning
Aazim Boy Determined
Abaan Boy Old Arabic Name
Abaas Boy Lion
Abadi Boy Eternal, Endless, Immortal, Pleasantness
Abahh Boy Alabahh was the Nickname of Al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim, An Astrologer of Al Mamun
Abaid Boy Worshipper of God, God Knows
Abann Boy Tall, Strong
Abasi Boy Stern
Abbad Boy Great Worshipper
Abbar Boy Strong
Abbas Boy Description of a Lion, Looking Austere, Lion, Stern, Frowning One, Name of Mohammad's Uncle, A Family Name
Abbes Boy Add Meaning
Abbud Boy Worshipper of Allah, Devoted, Obedient
Abdah Boy Nick Name of Abdur Rehman Bin Sulayman the Father of Muhammad Ibn Abdur Rahman, The Genealogist
Abdal Boy Substitutes, Persons by whom God Continues the World in Existence
Abdan Boy Add Meaning
Abdel Boy Servant of God
Abdou Boy Add Meaning
Abduh Boy Add Meaning
Abduk Boy Lucky
Abdul Boy Knowledge, Servant of the Lord
Abdun Boy Add Meaning
Abdur Boy Add Meaning
Abdus Boy Name of the Narrator of One of the Hadith
Ajmal Boy Pious, Extremely Beautiful, Handsome
Ajmar Boy Fastest
Ajmel Boy Beautiful
Ajnat Boy Cheek
Ajwad Boy Better, Best, More Generous
Ajwed Boy Heaven Stone
Ajzal Boy Of Great Intellect
Akbar Boy Powerful, Greatest, Bigger
Akeel Boy World
Akeem Boy Originating from God, Wise
Akfah Boy Black
Akhas Boy A Narrator of Hadith, Excellent, Special
Akhil Boy Complete, Tree, Naughty, Intelligent, God, World
Akhir Boy Latest
Akiel Boy Steady, Wise, Intelligent
Akili Boy Intelligent, From Kikuyu, Cleverness, Wit
Akiyl Boy Add Meaning
Aklaf Boy Lion
Akmad Boy Dark
Akmal Boy Perfect, Whole, More Complete
Akram Boy Excellent, More Generous-noble, Generous, Another Name for God
Akwan Boy Existence, Creations, Frightening Thought
Akyas Boy Wise, Intelligent, Ingenious, Very Wise
Alawi Boy Add Meaning
Aleef Boy Sociable, Amicable, Friendly
Asaad Boy Happier
Asbat Boy More Reliable, Steadier, A Narrator of Hadith
Aseed Boy Narrator of Hadith
Aseef Boy Forgiveness
Aseel Boy Son of Elite Family
Aseem Boy Longer, Boundless, Limitless Asim, Defender, Unlimited, Infinite, Limitless
Aseer Boy Preferred, Noble, Exquisite
Asgar Boy Devotee
Ashab Boy Reddish, Blond, Fair
Ashaj Boy Abu Addunya Almaghrabi, Had this Name, He was a Narrator of Hadith
Ashar Boy Noble One of God
Ashaz Boy One in a Million, Name of a Sahabi During the Time of Prophet
Ashik Boy Dagger, Sharp
Ashim Boy Limitless
Ashiq Boy Lover, Variant of Aashiq, Sweetheart
Ashir Boy Living
Ashja Boy More Courageous, Braver
Asjad Boy Jewel, Gold
Asjid Boy One who Prays to God
Askar Boy Army
Aslam Boy Greeting, Safer, Freer
Aslan Boy Lion
Asmar Boy Deep Yellow, Tawny
Asmir Boy Greater than the Sky
Asraf Boy Without Grief
Abreeq Boy Glittering Sword
Absaar Boy Seeing, Sight
Absham Boy A Tree which has Scent
Abt'hi Boy One who Lives in Abtah, A Place Near Makkah
Abteen Boy Father of Faridoon (a King)
AbuAli Boy Father of Ali
AbuAmr Boy Father of Amr
Abuzar Boy Name of Sahabi
Abzari Boy Spice, Seedsman, One who Sows, The Persian Scribe and Memoriser of Tradition, Abuishaq Ibrahim had this Name
Achmad Boy Much Praised, One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad
Achmed Boy Much Praised, One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad
Adalat Boy Justice
Adelky Boy Add Meaning
Adheem Boy Great
Adheen Boy Devotee, Follower
Adnaan Boy Bravery, Lion
Adorer Boy Worshippers, Adorers
Adrish Boy Mirror
Adskan Boy Knight
Afandi Boy Lord, Noble, Master
Afdaal Boy Better
Afdhal Boy Causing to Excel, Excellent, Prominent, Beautify
Affaan Boy Name of Caliph Uthman's Father
Afhaam Boy Intelligence, Sense
Afiyat Boy Good Health, Ease, Comfort
Arshia Boy Throne
Arslan Boy Lion
Arwarh Boy More Delicate, More Gracious
Arzang Boy An Ancient Wrestler
Asadel Boy Successful, Most Prosperous One
Asadul Boy Add Meaning
Asbaat Boy Bin Muhammad Al-qurashi a Narrator of Hadith had this Name
Asbagh Boy Coloured Animal, Huge Flood
Asfand Boy Month of March
Asfour Boy Bird
Asghar Boy Smaller, Younger, Shorter, Junior
Ash'ab Boy Lion, Difficult, Strict
Ashaas Boy Humble, Scattered, Spread about
Asheem Boy Boundless
Ashfaq Boy Noble Prince, Kindness, Compassion
Ashhal Boy Having Bluish Black Eyes, Bin Hatim had this Name, He was a Narrator of Hadith
Ashhar Boy Famous, Popular
Ashkaf Boy Add Meaning
Ashkan Boy Name of the 3rd Dynasty of Persian Kings
Ashmal Boy Perfect, Complete
Ashmil Boy Add Meaning
Ashnad Boy Swimmer
Ashour Boy Strongest Assyrian King
Ashqar Boy Add Meaning
Ashraf Boy Cultured, Without Grief, More Honourable
Almahdi Boy Rightly Guided
Alnahdi Boy Add Meaning
AlTahir Boy Nickname of Abdullah, Son of Muhammad who Died in Infancy
Alyasaa Boy A Prophet Name Elisha
AlyKhan Boy Spirit from Heaven, Lovely
Amaanat Boy Treasure, Security, Deposit
Ammarah Boy Punctual, Obedient
Anjuman Boy A Token, A Symbol
Annnees Boy Friendly, Of Good Company, Inmate
Antarah Boy Fearless Bravery, This was the Name of the Freed Slave of Sulaym
Arabick Boy Add Meaning
Arafaat Boy A Pilgrimage Site 25km from City Mecca
Aramazd Boy Divinity of Wisdom
Arastoo Boy Best Purpose
Ardalan Boy Ardalan is an Iranian Kurdish Dynasty
Arjmand Boy Bountiful
Arsalan Boy Lion, King of Jungle, Brave Man
Arsylan Boy Add Meaning
Asha'as Boy Scattered, Spread about, Humble
Ashaath Boy Scattered, Humble, Spread about
Ashmaan Boy Heaven
Ashmath Boy Correct Path, Straight Path
Asliraf Boy Honourable
Atallah Boy Gift of Allah, God Gift, Variant of Ataullah
Ataubaq Boy Handsome, Beautiful, Helpful, Generous and Got a Lot of Love to Share,   Generous
Altufail Boy Add Meaning
Amerulla Boy Prince
Amrullah Boy The Order of Allah (SWT)
Ardashir Boy Righteous Ruler
Arjumand Boy Respected, Noble
Arsalaan Boy Lion, King of Jungle
Asha'ath Boy Scattered, Spread about, Humble
AshiqAli Boy Adorer of Ali
AtaAllah Boy Gift of God
Ataullah Boy Gift of Allah, God Gift
Attaboak Boy Defender, Teacher, Guide
Aynuddin Boy Source of the Faith (Islam)
AyubKhan Boy Add Meaning
Aaarabisk Boy Add Meaning
Aalamgeer Boy Conqueror of the World
Abaravand Boy Above All
Abbasiyah Boy Pertaining to Abbas
Abd-Allah Boy Add Meaning
Abd-Khayr Boy Goodness, Happiness
AbdAlAlim Boy Servant of the All-knowing
AbdalAziz Boy Servant of the Mighty One
AbdAlBari Boy Servant of Allah
AbdalHadi Boy Servant of the Leader
AbdalMufi Boy Servant of the Donor
AbdalRauf Boy Servant of the Compassionate
AlKhayyat Boy Add Meaning
Alparslan Boy Hero Lion
Amanuddin Boy Trust of Religion Islam
Amanullah Boy Trust
Aminuddin Boy Trustworthy in Religion (Islam)
Asadullah Boy Lion of Allah, Title of Ali
Asfandyar Boy Add Meaning
Asiruddin Boy Honoured Person of the Religion
Ata-Allah Boy Gift of Allah
Aurangzeb Boy A Person Befitting the Throne, Ornament of the Throne
Awelijama Boy Man of Somali
Ayatullah Boy Sign of Allah
AynunNaim Boy Fountain of Blessing
Azarudeen Boy Sushanths Friend
Azizullah Boy Dear to Allah
Azududdin Boy Support of Religion Islam
Aashiq-Ali Boy Adorer of Ali
Abd-al-Ala Boy Slave of the High
AbdalHakim Boy Servant of the Wise One
AbdalHalim Boy Servant of the Patient One
AbdalHamid Boy Servant of the Praiseworthy One
AbdalJabir Boy Servant of the Comforter
AbdalKadir Boy Servant of the Capable
AbdalKarim Boy Servant of the Generous One
AbdalLafif Boy Servant of the Kind One
AbdulMunim Boy Servant of the Benefactor, Slave of the Generous
AbdulNasir Boy Servant of the Helper, Protector
AbdulQabiz Boy Servant of the Withholder
AbdulQader Boy Servant of the Capable
AbdulQadir Boy Servant of the Capable
AbdulQudus Boy Servant of the Most Holy
AbdulRa'uf Boy Servant of the Most Merciful
AbdulRaafi Boy One who Elevates, Servant of the One who Raises, Intellect, Esteem
AbdulRahim Boy Servant of the Merciful
AbdulRaouf Boy Servant of the Most Merciful
AbdulRaqib Boy Slave of the Vigilant
AbdulRazaq Boy Servant of the Maintainer, The Provider
AbdulSabur Boy Servant of the Patient
AbdulSalam Boy Servant of the Peace
AbdulSamad Boy Servant of the Eternal
AbdulSatar Boy Add Meaning
AbdulVajed Boy Servant of the Finder
AbdulVakil Boy Servant of the Implementer
AbdulWaali Boy Slave of the Governor
AbdulWadud Boy Servant of the Loving
AbdulWahab Boy Servant of the Giver
AbdulWahid Boy Servant of the Unique One
AbdulWajid Boy Servant of the Finder
AbdulWakil Boy Servant of the Trustee
AbdulWaliy Boy Servant of the Protecting
Abdul-Kabir Boy Servant of the Great
Abdul-Kader Boy Servant of the Able
Abdul-Karim Boy Servant of the Generous / Noble (Allah)
Abdul-Latif Boy Servant of the Gentle / Kind One (Allah)
Abdul-Maane Boy Servant of the Withholder
Abdul-Majid Boy Servant of the Glorious One (Allah)
Abdul-Malik Boy Servant of the Master / King (Allah)
Abdul-Matin Boy Servant of the Firm / Strong (Allah)
Abdul-Mohsi Boy Servant of the Surrounder
Abdul-Momit Boy Servant of the Death-giver
Abdul-Moqit Boy Servant of the Energizer
Abdul-Mubdi Boy Servant of the Originator
Abdul-Mueed Boy Slave of the Restorer, The Reproducer
Abdul-Mueid Boy Servant of the Restorer
Abdul-Muhsi Boy Servant of the Reckoner
Abdul-Muhyi Boy Servant of the Giver of Life
Abdul-Muizz Boy Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory
Abdul-Mujib Boy Servant of the Responder / Answerer (Allah)
Abdul-Mumin Boy Servant of the Giver of Faith (Allah)
Abdul-Munim Boy Slave of the Generous / Benefactor (Allah)
Abdul-Nasir Boy Protector, Servant of the Helper
Abdul-Qabiz Boy Servant of the Withholder
Abdul-Qadir Boy Servant of the Capable / Powerful (Allah)
Abdul-Qahir Boy Servant of the Subduer (Allah)
Abdul-Raafi Boy Servant of the One who Raises, Intellect, One who Elevates, Esteem
AbdurRazzaq Boy Servant of the Allprovider (Allah), Ibn Hammam was One of those Prominent People with this Name
AbdurRehman Boy One who Serves a Merciful Man
Abdus-Sabur Boy Slave of the Forbearing
Abdus-Salam Boy Servant of the All-peaceable
Abdus-Samad Boy Slave of the Eternal, The Independent
Abdus-Shafi Boy Slave of the Healer
AbdusSalaam Boy Slave of the Giver of Peace
AbdusSattar Boy Slave of the One who Conceals Faults
AbdusSubhan Boy Servant of the Glory (Allah)
Abduz-Zahir Boy Servant of the Overt / Manifest
Abu-Ibrahim Boy The Fater of Ibrahim
Abu-Ubaidah Boy Great Sahabi of the Prophet
AbuAbdullah Boy Father of Abdullah
AbuHurairah Boy Father of a Kitten
AbuHurayrah Boy Add Meaning
Abul-Bashar Boy Father of Mankind, An Epithet of Adam who was also the First Prophet
Abul-Haisam Boy Sahabi, Great Scholar of History
Abul-Hassan Boy The Son of Ali
Abul-Husain Boy Father of Husain, Caliph Ali
AbulBarakat Boy Father of Blessings, Blissful
AbulMahasin Boy Father of Virtues, Merits
AbulMasakin Boy Father of the Poor
AbulMusawir Boy Add Meaning
AbuMuhammad Boy Add Meaning
Afif-ud-Din Boy Virtuous of the Religion
Abdush-Shafi Boy Slave of the Healer
AbdushShahid Boy Slave of the Witness
AbdusSubbooh Boy Slave of the Extremely Pure
Abdut-Tawwab Boy Servant of the Most Forgiving (Allah)
Abu-al-Khayr Boy One who does Good
Abu-at-Tahir Boy The Father of Tahir
Abu-Hurairah Boy A Great Sahabi who is the Narrator of Many Traditions
Abu-Huzaifah Boy Famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah
Abul-Barakat Boy Blissful, Father of Blessings
Abul-Mahasin Boy Merits, Father of Virtues
AbulMahzurat Boy Father of a Scare-crow
AbuMahzoorah Boy Name of One Companion of the Prophet of Allah
Afsar-ud-Din Boy Adorning the Religion
Aftab-ud-Din Boy Sun of the Religion (Islam)
Alamul-Hudaa Boy Banner of Guidance
Allah-Bakhsh Boy Gift of Allah
AltafHussain Boy Kindness of Husain
Amiduddawlah Boy Support of the State
Anwarulkarim Boy Lights of the Beneficent Allah
Anwarussadat Boy Brilliant
AnwerusSadat Boy The Most Brilliant of the Sayyids
Ataur-Rahman Boy Gift of the Merciful / Allah
Ayn-ul-Ghurr Boy The Chief of the Chosen One
Ayn-Un-Naeem Boy The Spring of Blessing
Azududdawlah Boy Strength of the State
Alam-ul-Yaqeen Boy The Banner of Belief
Ashrafus-Sadat Boy Noble
Aashiq-Muhammad Boy Adorer of the Prophet Muhammad

Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter A Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter A Reviewed by my-babynames.com on September 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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