Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter M
Children are God's blessings (SWT) and joy of life. For parents, children are one of the greatest gifts given to them by Allah (SWT). They bring happiness into one's life and give someone to fight for in this world. Children are also a source of salvation for Muslims because it is our belief that caring for one's children leads to the pleasure and kindness of the Almighty. Therefore there are many children's rights that have been placed on parents in Islam. One of them is giving children a good name, a name that is pleasant and gentle or has a good meaning.
Naming your baby is the most important choice that you can make as expected or new parent. has become a trusted name source.
Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter M
Naming your baby is the most important choice that you can make as expected or new parent. has become a trusted name source.
Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter M
Man | Boy | Mind, Human, God is with us, Supernatural Power, Examine Closely, Accept the Truth, Assistance |
Mir | Boy | Mayor, Leader |
Ma'n | Boy | Examine Closely, Accept the Truth, Assistance |
Maad | Boy | An Old Arabian Tribe's Name |
Maah | Boy | The Obliterator of Infidelity |
Maaz | Boy | Wooden, A Friend of Prophet Muhammad |
Madi | Boy | Sharp |
Mahd | Boy | The Guided One |
Main | Boy | Benefit |
Majd | Boy | Glory, Nobility |
Malu | Boy | Loveable, Sweet |
Mani | Boy | A Jewel, A Painter who Later Claimed to be a Prophet, Lord Shiva, Father of Ketil |
Meer | Boy | Chief, Mayor, Leader |
Mehd | Boy | Instructor, One of the Names of Prophet Muhammad PBUH |
Mika | Boy | Intelligent, Beautiful, Increase, Like God |
Moez | Boy | Loving |
Moin | Boy | Helpful |
Moiz | Boy | One who Gives Protection, Protected |
Mosa | Boy | Graceful |
Muad | Boy | A Noted Companion of the Prophet PBUH had this Name, Ibn-jabal RA |
Muaz | Boy | Protected |
Muid | Boy | Reviser, Restore |
Muin | Boy | Assistant, Helper |
Mulk | Boy | Kingdom, Supreme Power |
Muni | Boy | Sage |
Musa | Boy | Moses, Drawn out of the Water, Enemy to the Gods of the Dead, A Prophets Name, Moses in English |
Muta | Boy | Obeyed |
Muti | Boy | Obedient |
Myra | Boy | Honey, Beloved |
Maahi | Boy | Another Name for Prophet Muhammad |
Maaiz | Boy | Add Meaning |
Maali | Boy | Noble, Sublime, Excellency |
Maani | Boy | One who Prevents |
Mabad | Boy | A Place of Worship, Many of the Prominent People had this Name Including the Companions Ibn Khalid Al-juhanni and Ibn-hawzah RA |
Mabah | Boy | Neither Bless nor Curse |
Mabud | Boy | Worshipped, Adored |
Madan | Boy | Cupid, God of Love |
Madih | Boy | Praised |
Madin | Boy | Delightful |
Madni | Boy | Resident of City Madeena, Old Name Yasrib |
Magdi | Boy | Glory |
Magid | Boy | Glorious |
Mahad | Boy | Nice, Great |
Mahaz | Boy | The Place of War |
Mahdi | Boy | Rightfully Guided, Guided to the Right Path, Guided, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad |
Mahdy | Boy | Guided to the Right Path |
Maher | Boy | Adept, Generous, Skilled, Able |
Mahib | Boy | Brave, Lion, Terrible, Held in Awe, Another Name for God |
Mahid | Boy | Another Name for God, One who Preaches |
Mahir | Boy | Expert, Industrious, Skilled |
Mihal | Boy | Capable Strong |
Mihir | Boy | The Sun |
Milad | Boy | Birth, Christmas |
Mimar | Boy | Architect, Mason |
Mimum | Boy | Add Meaning |
Miraj | Boy | Place of Ascent, Ascension to Heaven |
Miran | Boy | Princes, Plural of Mir |
Mirza | Boy | A Prince, Title for Mogul |
Misal | Boy | Example |
Misam | Boy | Smiling, Happy |
Misaq | Boy | Agreement, Covenant, Contract, Pact |
Misid | Boy | Unfettered Camel, Variant of Musad |
Miteb | Boy | Add Meaning |
Miyaz | Boy | Most Important Referred |
Mizan | Boy | Balance, Scales |
Modin | Boy | Name of God |
Moeen | Boy | Helper, Supporter |
Moheb | Boy | Person who Love |
Mohid | Boy | Another Name for Gad, The One who Believes in Oneness of Allah Almighty |
Momin | Boy | One who Believes in God |
Monim | Boy | Add Meaning |
Monir | Boy | Shining |
Monji | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mooaz | Boy | Add Meaning |
Moosa | Boy | A Prophet's Name, Desire, The Biblical Moses is the English Language Equivalent |
Mujid | Boy | One who Renews / Renovates / Refreshes |
Mujir | Boy | Protector, Defender, Helper, Supporter |
Mulla | Boy | A Persian Construction Probably from the Arabic Mawla (Master, Leader, Lord) |
Mulvi | Boy | Religious Leader |
Mumin | Boy | Believer |
Munaf | Boy | Exalted |
Munib | Boy | Repentant |
Munif | Boy | Excellent, Exalted |
Munim | Boy | Benefactor, To be Contented |
Munir | Boy | Shining, Sparkling, Luminous, Moon's Light, Lamp, Brilliant, Bright |
Munis | Boy | Companion, Consoler, Name of a Previous Chief Army Guard |
Munji | Boy | Who Salvages |
Munna | Boy | Sweet, Honey |
Muqas | Boy | Sacred |
Muqla | Boy | Eye, Eyeball, The Middle of Anything, Ib Muqlah, Abbasid Vizier and Founder of Arabic Calligraphy |
Murad | Boy | Prowess, Will, Purpose, Wish, Desire, Object |
Murat | Boy | Name of Allah |
Murid | Boy | Follower, Desirous, Student |
Musab | Boy | Ibn-umair RA was so Named He was a Companion whom the Prophet PBUH Name as One of the Fourteen Eminent Guardians, |
Musad | Boy | Unfettered Camel, Untied Camel |
Musiq | Boy | One who Confirms / Verifies Another |
Musir | Boy | Prosperous, Affluent, Rich |
Mutaa | Boy | Obeyed |
Mutad | Boy | Prepared, Ready |
Mutee | Boy | Obedient |
Mamduh | Boy | Praised, Glorified, Person Commended |
Mamnun | Boy | Trustworthy |
Mamoon | Boy | Secure, Fearless, Trustworthy, Honest, Faithful, Reliable, Something about which One Feels Secure |
Mamoor | Boy | Inhabited, Civilized |
Mangal | Boy | Auspicious, Well Being |
Manhal | Boy | Spring of Salubrious Water, Fountains, Spring of Salubri |
Manier | Boy | Accept the Truth |
Mannan | Boy | Meditate, King in Malayalam, Benefactor, Bountiful |
Mannat | Boy | Wish |
Mansab | Boy | Office, Dignity |
Mansha | Boy | Wish, Accord, Resolution |
Mansur | Boy | Victorious, Aided by God, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Divinely Aided |
Manzar | Boy | Sight, View |
Manzir | Boy | Warner, Cautioner |
Manzur | Boy | Acceptable, Admired |
Maqbul | Boy | Accepted, Handsome, Popular |
Maqeem | Boy | Residing, Staying |
Maqsud | Boy | Intended, Proposed |
Mareer | Boy | Strong, Powerful, Rope |
Marjan | Boy | Small Pearls, Corals |
Maroof | Boy | Variant of Ma'ruf, Known, Celebrated |
Maroun | Boy | Saint's Name |
Marsad | Boy | Ibn Abu Marsad Al-ghanavi was the Companion of the Prophet PBUH who Took Part in the Badr Battle and had this Name |
Marwan | Boy | Old Arabic Name, Galvanized Stone |
Marzal | Boy | Add Meaning |
Muayid | Boy | Supported |
Mubarr | Boy | Righteous |
Mubdee | Boy | Originator |
Mubeen | Boy | Clear, Plain |
Mubeer | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mudrik | Boy | Intelligent, Reasonable, Perceptive, Endowed with Reason |
Mufaad | Boy | Profit, Interest |
Mufeed | Boy | Useful, From the Verb Fada to Overflow |
Muflih | Boy | One who Prospers |
Muftee | Boy | Expounder of Islamic Law |
Mughis | Boy | Helper, Assistant |
Mughni | Boy | One who Releases Another from Straitened Circumstances, An Epithet of Allah |
Muhair | Boy | Skilled |
Muhayr | Boy | Skilled |
Muhdee | Boy | One who Presents |
Muheet | Boy | That which Embraces All Round |
Muhibb | Boy | Lover, Fancier |
Muhriz | Boy | Obtainer, Winner, Earner |
Muhsin | Boy | Beneficent, Charitable |
Muhtad | Boy | Rightly Guided |
Muhyee | Boy | One who Gives Life and Sustains it |
Mujaab | Boy | Whose Prayer is Answered |
Mujeeb | Boy | Name of God, Responder |
Muktaf | Boy | He who is Content |
Mulail | Boy | Name of a Sahabi who Participated in the Battle of Badr |
Matloob | Boy | Wanted, Unknown, Objective, Goal |
Maudood | Boy | Attached, Friendly |
Maulana | Boy | Our Master |
Maumoon | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mausoof | Boy | Worthy of Description, Endowed with Laudable Qualities |
Mawahib | Boy | Gift, Talent, Plural of Mauhiba |
Mawardi | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mawdood | Boy | Beloved, Attached |
Mawhoob | Boy | Gifted, Talented, Endowed, Favoured |
Mawhoub | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mawloud | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mawsool | Boy | Having Link with Allah |
Mazahir | Boy | Exteriors, Appearances |
Mazkoor | Boy | Related, Said of |
Mehboob | Boy | Beloved |
Mehemet | Boy | Praised |
Mehmood | Boy | The Prophet of Islam |
Mehrang | Boy | Souvenirs |
Mehrdad | Boy | Gift from the Sun |
Mehrzad | Boy | Offspring of the Sun |
Mehtaar | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mhasood | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mhkhtar | Boy | Add Meaning |
Miftaah | Boy | Key, Opener |
Mika'il | Boy | One of Allah's Angel |
Mustafa | Boy | The Chosen One, Elected, Prophet Muhammad |
Mustali | Boy | High, Elevated, Superior |
Mustazi | Boy | One who Seeks Light or Advice or Guidance |
Mutamad | Boy | Trustworthy, Reliable, Dependable |
Mutamid | Boy | One who Relies Upon Allah |
Mutamin | Boy | One who Entrusts his Affairs to the Management of Another |
Mutaqid | Boy | Confident, Believer, Faithful Friend |
Mutasim | Boy | To Faith, To God, Adhering to Faith, Kept Away from Sin, Name of Khalifah |
Mutazid | Boy | One who Takes Assistance (of Allah), Petitioner of Justice |
Muttaqi | Boy | God Fearing, Pious, Righteous, One who Fears Allah |
Muwafaq | Boy | Successful |
Muzahir | Boy | Protector, Defender, Supporter |
Muzamil | Boy | Sun |
Muzanni | Boy | Narrator of Hadith |
Myeshia | Boy | Life's Blessing |
Maajidah | Boy | Generous, Splendid, Glorious, Honourable |
Mahammed | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mahfooza | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mahfoozh | Boy | Secured, Protected, Safe |
Mahuroos | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mairanay | Boy | Brave |
MakaKhan | Boy | Add Meaning |
Makhdoom | Boy | Master, Employer, One who is Served |
Maleekah | Boy | Name of a Sahabiyyah |
Manoshan | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mostaffa | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mostapha | Boy | Add Meaning |
Moubarak | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mouhamed | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mouhaned | Boy | Add Meaning |
Moustafa | Boy | Add Meaning |
Moutasem | Boy | Add Meaning |
Moutasim | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mozaffar | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mu'allim | Boy | Teacher |
Mu'attib | Boy | It was the Name of a Companion Bin Ubayd RA |
Mu'awwiz | Boy | Companion who Participated in the Battle of Badr |
Mu'ayyad | Boy | Supported |
Mu'tasim | Boy | Adhering to Faith / God |
Muawiyah | Boy | Young Fox, First Ummayad Caliph |
Mubaarak | Boy | Blessed, Auspicious |
Mubajjal | Boy | Glorified, Exalted, Honourable, Greatly Respected |
Mubashar | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mubashir | Boy | Spreader of Good News |
Mubassir | Boy | Observer |
Mubayyin | Boy | Another Name for God, One who Makes Clear |
Mubtasim | Boy | Smiling |
Mudabbir | Boy | Prudent, Manager, One who Plans |
Mudasser | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mudassir | Boy | Wrapped in, Enveloped, One of the Names of Muhammad |
Mufaddal | Boy | One who is Preferred, He who is Honoured |
Mufakhar | Boy | Glorious, Exalted |
Mufakkir | Boy | Thinker, One who Meditates |
Mufallah | Boy | One who Prospers |
Mufarrij | Boy | One who Helps in Removing Difficulties and Worries |
Mufazzal | Boy | Preferred, Chosen, Favoured |
Muffadal | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mugheeth | Boy | Helper, Succour |
Muhaajir | Boy | Add Meaning |
Muhaddas | Boy | Compiler of Hadith |
Muhaimin | Boy | One of the Ninety-nine Names of God, Forgiving |
Muhammad | Boy | Praiseworthy, Greatly Praised, Name of the Last Prophet, Praised One |
Muhammed | Boy | Praised and Commendable, Variant Used for Mohammad, Founder of Islamic Religion, Praiseworthy, Glorified, Greatly Praised, The Name of the Prophet |
Muhannad | Boy | Sword |
Muhanned | Boy | Sword |
Muharram | Boy | First Islamic Month |
Muharrem | Boy | 1st Month of Islamic Year |
Muharrim | Boy | Another Name for Prophet Muhammad |
Muhaymin | Boy | Preponderant |
Muhazzab | Boy | Polite, Courteous, Well-mannered |
Muhtadee | Boy | Rightly Guided |
Muhtaram | Boy | Respectable, Honoured |
Muhunnad | Boy | Sword |
Mujaahid | Boy | Fighter, Crusader, Warrior |
Musaddaq | Boy | Add Meaning |
Musaddid | Boy | Add Meaning |
Musaddiq | Boy | The Verifier, One who Confirms, One who Accepts Another's Word as Truth, One who Confirms or Verifies Another |
MusaKaim | Boy | Early Imam (Leader) of Islam |
Musawwir | Boy | Fashioner, Designer |
Musaykah | Boy | Hadith Reported by Aisha (RA) |
Mushaffa | Boy | He who is Recommended |
Mushtaaq | Boy | Longing, Desirous |
Mustaeen | Boy | The Chosen One, One who Asks the Help or Aid or Assistance |
Mustafaa | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mustafah | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mustaffa | Boy | The Chosen One |
Mustafiz | Boy | Profiting, One who is Desirous of Gaining |
Mustajab | Boy | One who is Heard |
Mustakfi | Boy | One who Desires Another to do Something Effectively |
Mustakim | Boy | Straight Road |
Mustapha | Boy | Chosen One, Prophet, Variant of Mustafa |
Mustaqim | Boy | Straight |
Mustasim | Boy | He who Holds Fast |
Mustatab | Boy | Delectable, Good |
Muta-Ali | Boy | Most Exalted, Name of Allah |
Mutahhar | Boy | Clean, Purified, Very Beautiful |
Mutahhir | Boy | What Purifies |
Mutammam | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mutammim | Boy | Perfecting, Completing |
MuinulIslam | Boy | Supporter of Islam |
Muntahakhan | Boy | Add Meaning |
MushirUlHaq | Boy | Counsellor of the Truth (Allah) |
Muslihuddin | Boy | Reformer of the Religion Islam |
MutiulIslam | Boy | Obedient (Follower) of Islam |
Mahmudunnabi | Boy | Praised by the Prophet |
MakarramKhan | Boy | Add Meaning |
Mansooruddin | Boy | Victorious in Religion Islam |
Mazharul-Haq | Boy | Manifestation of the Truth (Allah) |
Mohammadreza | Boy | Add Meaning |
Moinuddawlah | Boy | Defender of the State |
MoosaaKaaiim | Boy | Early Imam (Leader) of Islam |
MuhafizUdDin | Boy | Preserver of the Religion Islam |
Muhyi-al-Din | Boy | Reviver of the Faith |
Muinuddawlah | Boy | Defender of the State |
Muinul-Islam | Boy | Supporter of Islam |
MukhtarulHaq | Boy | Chosen by the Truth Allah |
Muniruzzaman | Boy | Brilliant of the Age |
Musheeruddin | Boy | Advisor of the Religion |
MustafaKamal | Boy | Founder of Modern Turkey |
Mutiul-Islam | Boy | Follower of Islam |
MutiurRahman | Boy | Obedient (Servant) of the Most Gracious (Allah) |
Muzahiruddin | Boy | Defender of the Religion Islam |
Maloofulislam | Boy | Lover of Islam |
Maseehuzzaman | Boy | Messiah of the Age |
Mazhar-ud-Din | Boy | Manifestation, Of the Religion |
MizanurRahman | Boy | Balance of the Most Merciful Allah |
MohmmedIdrees | Boy | A Prophet's Name |
MuhammadTaqqi | Boy | Early Imam (Leader) of Islam |
Muizzuddawlah | Boy | He who Renders the State Mighty |
Mukhtarul-Haq | Boy | Chosen by the Truth (Allah) |
Mushir-ul-Haq | Boy | Counsellor of the Truth (Allah) |
Mustafa-Kamal | Boy | Founder of Modern Turkey |
Mutiur-Rahman | Boy | Obedient Servant |
Muzaffaruddin | Boy | Victorious of the Religion Islam |
MahfuzurRahman | Boy | Protected of the Beneficent |
Mizanur-Rahman | Boy | Balance of the Most Merciful (Allah) |
Muhafiz-ud-Din | Boy | Preserver of the Religion (Islam) |
MuhammadTaqqee | Boy | Early Imam (Leader) of Islam |
Musheerulislam | Boy | Advisor of the Islam |
Mahfuzur-Rahman | Boy | Protected of the Beneficent |
Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter M
Reviewed by
September 04, 2018

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