
Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter F

Children are God's blessings (SWT) and joy of life. For parents, children are one of the greatest gifts given to them by Allah (SWT). They bring happiness into one's life and give someone to fight for in this world. Children are also a source of salvation for Muslims because it is our belief that caring for one's children leads to the pleasure and kindness of the Almighty. Therefore there are many children's rights that have been placed on parents in Islam. One of them is giving children a good name, a name that is pleasant and gentle or has a good meaning.

Naming your baby is the most important choice that you can make as expected or new parent. https://my-babynames.blogspot.com has become a trusted name source.

Baby Boy Name starts with the letter F




Fay Boy Raven
Faaz Boy Victorious, Successful, Brilliant
Fadi Boy Redeemer, Sacrificer, Saviour
Fadl Boy Outstanding, Honourable, Gracious, Reward, Favour
Fady Boy Sacrificer, Saviour
Faeq Boy Surpassing, Excellent
Fahd Boy Panther, Lynx
Fahm Boy Intellect
Faid Boy Benefit, Advantage, Gain
Faik Boy Superior
Fail Boy Doer, Performer
Faiq Boy Superior, Excellent, Ascendant, Outstanding
Faiz Boy Gain, Knight, Grace, Favour, Victorious, Blessings
Fajr Boy Daybreak, Dawn
Fani Boy Snake
Faoz Boy Success, Victory, Advantage, Gain, Salvation
Fara Boy Head, Chief of a Family
Fard Boy Single, Unique, Another Name for God, Unequalled
Fare Boy Tall, Lofty, Slim, Towering
Fari Boy Tall, Towering, Lofty
Farj Boy Duty
Faru Boy Strongest Man
Farz Boy Religious Duty, Commandment of God
Fata Boy Youth, Nobility
Fath Boy Winner, Victorious
Fawz Boy Accomplishes, Success, Salvation
Fayd Boy Abundance
Fazi Boy Opener
Fazl Boy Grace, Favour
Fiam Boy Add Meaning
Fida Boy Sacrifice
Fihr Boy Stone Pestle
Fshd Boy Lynx
Fuad Boy Heart, Soul
Faaid Boy Add Meaning
Faaiq Boy Variant of Fa'iq, Surpassing, Excellent
Faaiz Boy Victorious, Triumphant, Successful
Fadel Boy Excellent
Fadhl Boy Gracious
Fadil Boy Generous, Giving, Honourable, Outstanding
Fadwa Boy Name Derived from Self Sacrifice
Faeem Boy Famed
Fahad Boy Panther, Lynx
Faham Boy Wise, Considerate, Intellect
Fahid Boy Panther
Fahim Boy Wise, Learned, Prudent, Sagacious, From Kikuyu, Intelligent, Scholar, Discerning
Fahis Boy Investigator
Fahmi Boy Understanding
Faidh Boy Superabundance, Favour
Faisi Boy Light of the Sun
Faizi Boy Liberal
Fakhr Boy Glory, Pride, Something to Feel Proud about
Fakih Boy Smart, Intelligent, Humorous
Fakur Boy Thinker
Falah Boy Success, Progress
Falak Boy The Sky
Falih Boy Prosperous, Successful
Faliq Boy Creator, One that Divides into Two
Fanan Boy Branch of a Tree
Faqih Boy Jurist, Scholar in Fight
Faqir Boy Poor, Sufi Mendicant
Farag Boy Cure
Farah Boy Happiness, Paradise's Flower
Faraj Boy Happiness, Ease, Relief, Relief from Bad Times, Cure, There have been Men with this Name
Faraq Boy Truth
Faraz Boy Equitable, Above, Upon, Elevation, On the Top, Fair, Just, Ascent, Height
Fareh Boy Glad, Happy
Fares Boy Knight
Farid Boy Wide, Unique, Without Rival, One of a Kind, Happiness, Exceptional, Another Name for God, Pearl, Precious
Farih Boy Happy, Delight
Farin Boy Adventurous
Fario Boy Add Meaning
Fariq Boy Distinguishing, Distinctive, Lieutenant General, Another Name for God, Separating, Eminent
Faris Boy Horseman, Perspicacity, Rider, Knight, Ability to Discern
Farit Boy Guide
Fariy Boy First-born
Fariz Boy Determined, Promising
Faruk Boy Bless Full, Truth
Faruq Boy Divider Between Vice and Virtue, One who Distinguishes Truth from Falsehood
Fasel Boy Justice, Justify
Fasih Boy Eloquent, Literary, Wide, Ample
Fasil Boy Separating, Distinguishing
Fatah Boy The Successor, The Opener
Fatan Boy Intelligent, Sagacious, Smart, Clever
Fateh Boy Victory, Conqueror, Triumph, The Victorious One
Fathi Boy Victorious, Winner, To Win, The Exact Beginning Time of Raining is Called Fathi as Well, Conqueror, Warrior
Fatih Boy Big, Opener, Conqueror
Fatik Boy Crystal, Deadly, Lethal
Fatim Boy Add Meaning
Fatin Boy Captivating
Fatiq Boy Bright, Shining, East, Dawn
Fatir Boy Maker, Creator
Fatun Boy Intelligent, Sharp
Fawad Boy Heart
Fawaz Boy Always Successful, Prosperous, The Successful One
Fawzi Boy Successful, Triumph
Fawzy Boy Triumphant, Victorious, Successful
Fayad Boy Benefit, Advantage, Welfare
Fayaz Boy Extremely Generous
Fayek Boy Surpassing, Excellent, Superior, Outstanding
Fayez Boy Successful
Fayij Boy Add Meaning
Fayis Boy The Winner
Fayiz Boy Winner, Victor
Fazal Boy Excellence, Superiority, Reward, Grace
Fazil Boy Talented, Scholar, Another Name for God, Virtuous, Expert, Intelligent, Wise
Fazle Boy Good and Intelligent
Fazli Boy Graceful, Virtuous, Kind, Bountiful
Febin Boy Moon Light
Ferid Boy Add Meaning
Ferin Boy Glorify, Best
Feroz Boy Name of a King, Winner, Successful, A Classy Stone, Turquoise Color
Fethi Boy Add Meaning
Fidaa Boy Sacrifice, Ransom, Redemption
Fikri Boy Intelligent Person
Firaq Boy Separation
Firas Boy Perspicacious
Firoj Boy Stone of Sea
Firoz Boy Name of a King, Overpowering, Victorious
Firuz Boy Successful, Victorious
Fizan Boy Popularity
Fizza Boy Silver, Ibn Abu Mawdood, A Narrator of Hadith had this Name
Fouad Boy Heart
Fredj Boy Add Meaning
Fujai Boy Al-amiri, Name of Prophets (SAW) Companion
Fazeel Boy Virtuous, Knowledgeable, Eminent, Outstanding
Fazira Boy Add Meaning
Fazzal Boy Excellent, Well-deserving Man
Feeroz Boy Victorious, Happy, Fortunate
Ferhat Boy Joy
Feroze Boy Successful
Ferran Boy Baker
Fiddah Boy Silver
Fikhar Boy Honour, Pride, Glory
Firaas Boy Knight
Firagh Boy Leisure, Happiness, Opportunity
Firaun Boy Proud
Firdos Boy Heaven, Jannat
Firhun Boy Add Meaning
Firouz Boy Victorious, Name of a Sassani King
Firoze Boy Gift, Winner, Victorious, Name of a King, Turquoise, Precious Stone
Firyal Boy Adornment
Fitrat Boy Nature, Creation
Fudail Boy Excellent in Character
Fuqqah Boy Flower, Bud
Furada Boy Unique, Single
Furozh Boy Light
Furqan Boy Evidence, Proof, Distinction Between Truth and Falsehood
Furqau Boy Which Separates Truth and Falsehood
Fursat Boy Leisure, Freedom, Relief
Fajaruddin Boy The First
Fakaruddin Boy Pride of Religion, Glory of the Faith
FakhrAlDin Boy Pride of the Faith
FakhridDin Boy Add Meaning
Fakhruddin Boy Glory of the Faith, Pride of Religion
Farajallah Boy Add Meaning
Fariduddin Boy Uniqueness of Religion
Farrokhzad Boy Happily Born
Fayzul-Haq Boy Grace of the Truth (Allah)
FazleIlahi Boy Bounty of Allah
FazleMawla Boy Bounty of the Lord, Allah
FazleRabbi Boy Bounty of My Lord
FazululHaq Boy Bounty of the Truth, Allah
FuttehKhan Boy Add Meaning
FaizulAnwar Boy Abundance of Light or Graces
Fakharuddin Boy Glory of the Religion (Islam)
FakhirAldin Boy Glorious Religion
Fakhr-Aldin Boy Glorious Religion
FakhridAdin Boy Glorious Religion
Farhatullah Boy Pleasure of God
Farmanullah Boy Order of Allah
Fazle-Ilahi Boy Bounty of Allah
Fazle-Mawla Boy Bounty of the Lord (Allah)
Fazle-Rabbi Boy Bounty of My Lord
Fazulul-Haq Boy Bounty of the Truth (Allah)
Furughuddin Boy Light of Religion
FaizERabbani Boy Possessing Divine Surplus
Faizul-Anwar Boy Abundance of Light or Graces
Fakhr-al-Din Boy Pride of the Faith
Fakhr-ud-Din Boy Pride of the Religion Islam
Fakharulislam Boy Glory of Islam
Fakhruddaulah Boy Pride of the State
FakhrUdDawlah Boy Glory of Kingdom or State
FasihUrRahman Boy Eloquent by Grace of Rahman (Allah)
Faiz-e-Rabbani Boy Possessing Divine Surplus
Fakharuddawlah Boy Glory of the Kingdom
Fakhr-ud-Dawlah Boy Glory of Kingdom or State
Faseehul-Lisaan Boy The Eloquent of Speech
Fasih-ur-Rahman Boy Eloquent

Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter F Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter F Reviewed by my-babynames.com on September 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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