
Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter G

Children are God's blessings (SWT) and joy of life. For parents, children are one of the greatest gifts given to them by Allah (SWT). They bring happiness into one's life and give someone to fight for in this world. Children are also a source of salvation for Muslims because it is our belief that caring for one's children leads to the pleasure and kindness of the Almighty. Therefore there are many children's rights that have been placed on parents in Islam. One of them is giving children a good name, a name that is pleasant and gentle or has a good meaning.

Naming your baby is the most important choice that you can make as expected or new parent. https://my-babynames.blogspot.com has become a trusted name source.

Baby Boy Name starts with the letter G

Gabr Boy Compulsion Name of a Companion, Variant of Jabr
Gadi Boy God is My Fortune
Gran Boy Dear, Beloved
Guda Boy He who is Praised, Variant of Juda
Gabir Boy Comforter, Consoler
Gadil Boy Forest
Gafar Boy Little Stream, Rivulet, A River, Variant of Jafar
Gahez Boy Morning
Gaith Boy Rain
Galal Boy A Roll or Wheel
Gamal Boy Camel, Handsome
Gamil Boy Tiger Man, Handsome, Beautiful
Gehad Boy Married Man
Ghafr Boy Mercy, Forgiveness
Ghaib Boy Hidden, Absent, Away
Ghais Boy Street Light
Ghaiz Boy Desert, Forest, Jungle
Ghalb Boy Victory, Superior Power
Ghali Boy Expensive, Scare, Costly
Ghana Boy Dark, War Chief, Wealth, Profit, Warrior King, Ghana, Cloud
Ghani Boy Independent, Prosperous, The Title of the Third Khalifah of Islam Hazrat Usman
Ghaur Boy Consideration, Depth, Attention
Ghaus Boy Cry for Help, Defender
Ghayb Boy Hidden, Absent, Away
Ghays Boy Shower of Mercy
Ghazi Boy War Champion, Hero, Conqueror, Warrior
Gilad Boy Hump of a Camel, Name of Mountain, Endless Joy
Givon Boy Hill, High Place
Gogal Boy Vocal Cords
Gohar Boy Diamond, Precious Stone
Gulab Boy Rose, Flower
Gulam Boy Slave, Servant
Gadiel Boy God is My Fortune
Gamali Boy Camel
Gamall Boy Mountain, Beautiful
Gauhar Boy Cow Like, White, The Pearl, One who has Taken the Colour of the Cow
Gawdat Boy Goodness, Excellence, To be Excellent, Variant of Jawdat
Gemail Boy White Sparrow
George Boy Farmer, A Tiller of the Soil, Earth Worker
Ghaaib Boy Hidden, Absent, Away
Ghaali Boy Precious
Ghaazi Boy Conqueror, War Champion, Hero
Ghadef Boy One who Drives a Boat
Ghadir Boy A Sword, Pond, Pool
Ghadra Boy Dark
Ghafir Boy Forgiving, Merciful, Another Name for God, Generous, Kind-hearted
Ghafur Boy Forgiving
Ghaida Boy Young
Ghaith Boy Rain
Ghaleb Boy Be Loved
Ghalib Boy Excellent, Winner, Conqueror, Victorious, Triumphant, Another Name for God
Ghamay Boy Precious Stone
Ghamir Boy Giving a Lot of Charity
Ghanem Boy Successful
Ghanim Boy Good Man
Gharib Boy Stranger, Visitor, Traveller, Poor, Alien
Gharra Boy Brilliant, Shining
Ghasan Boy Old Arabic Name
Ghasiq Boy Moon, Pearls, A Cluster of 7 Stars in Taurus
Ghauth Boy Succour, Helper, Defender
Ghawth Boy Help, Succour
Ghayab Boy Disappear
Ghayat Boy Aim, Goal, Destination
Ghayth Boy Rain
Ghayur Boy Zealous, Eager, High Minded, Another Name for God, Haughty, Enthusiastic
Ghazan Boy Holy War Fighter
Ghazir Boy Comfortable, Abundant, Ample
Ghazwi Boy Militant, Warlike, Heroic
Ghiath Boy Sun
Ghiman Boy Clouds
Ghiyam Boy Mist, Fog
Ghiyas Boy Another Name for God, One who Asks for Help
Ghudaf Boy Black Raven
Ghulam Boy Slave, Servant
Ghurar Boy Ornaments, Stars, First Three Days of the Month
Ghusun Boy Branches of Tree
Gibran Boy Tree Shadow
Gibril Boy Angel Gabriel
Giladi Boy Moon
Gildun Boy Add Meaning
Gilead Boy Hump of a Camel
Gileem Boy Blanket, Warmth, Protection
Ginton Boy A Garden
Gorbat Boy Eagle
Gulbar Boy Shredder of Flowers, Generous
Gulfam Boy Flower's Colour, Rose Faced
Gulsan Boy A Flower Garden
Gulzar Boy Gardener, Place Where Flowers Grow, An Inhabited Town
Gutaif Boy A Well of a Person, Well to do
Guzeen Boy Selecting, Adopting
Guzeer Boy Help, Remedy
Ghaalib Boy Victor, Conqueror, Dominant
Ghaamid Boy Add Meaning
Ghaazee Boy War Champion, Hero, Conqueror
Ghaffar Boy Most Forgiving, Merciful
Ghafoor Boy Forgiver, Merciful
Ghaidan Boy Delicate, Slender
Ghailan Boy Demon
Ghairat Boy Zeal, Self Respect, Vigilant Care, Bravery
Ghalbah Boy Superiority, Conquest
Ghallab Boy Ever Victorious, Triumphant
Ghamzah Boy Signal, Hint
Ghannam Boy Shepherd
Ghannan Boy Two Friends of Prophet Muhammad, Shepherd
Ghareeb Boy Humble, Poor, Needy
Ghasaan Boy Old Arabic Name
Ghassan Boy Father of a Tribe, In the Centre of Life, Youth
Ghatool Boy Tulip
Ghatrif Boy Leader, Brave, Noble
Ghawani Boy Modest, Singer, Chaste
Ghaylan Boy Great, One of the Companions of the Prophet PBUH Bin Salamah As-saqafi had this Name
Ghayoor Boy Self-respecting
Ghayyas Boy Winner, Helper, Reliever
Ghazaal Boy Gazelle, Young Deer, Fawn
Ghazari Boy Pigeon
Ghazwan Boy To Conquer, One on Expedition
Ghazzal Boy Vendor of Cotton Thread
Ghifari Boy Of the Ghifar Tribe
Ghitamm Boy Ocean, Huge, Vast
Ghiyaas Boy Full of Succour
Ghiyath Boy Aid, Succoured
Ghofran Boy Pardon, Forgiveness
Ghufair Boy Forgiving, Merciful
Ghufran Boy Leave, Mercy, Forgiveness, Another Name for God, Pardon, Benevolence, To Conceal
Ghulaam Boy Slave, Servant
Ghunaim Boy A Person who Takes Booty
Ghunayn Boy One who Collects Booty
Ghurnuq Boy Tender, Comely, Delicate
Ghurran Boy Grace, Bright, Brilliant
Ghutaif Boy A Well of a Person, Well to do
Ghutayf Boy Affluent
Giraami Boy Precious, Respectable, Dear
Girnauq Boy Delicate, Slender Youth
Gul-Baz Boy Playing with Flowers
Gul-Jan Boy Gul - Flowers, Jan - Life
Gul-Yar Boy Loving Flowers
Gul-Zar Boy Flower Garden
Gulshan Boy Garden of Flowers, Rose Garden
Gulussa Boy Helper
Gunjoor Boy Add Meaning
Ghaiyyas Boy Helper, Reliever, Winner
Ghalinus Boy Physician
Ghanimat Boy Reward
Ghaniyah Boy Independent, Prosperous
Gharizah Boy Nature, Character
Ghashiah Boy Servant, Attendant, 88th Surah of the Quran, Covering
Ghayyath Boy The One Rushing to Help
Ghazaali Boy Deer-like
Ghazalan Boy Spinner
Ghazarat Boy Abundance, Plenty
Ghazawan Boy Warrior, Companion of Prophet (SAW)
Ghilibba Boy Victory
Ghirnauq Boy Fair, Handsome
Ghiyaath Boy Succourer, Help
Ghorzang Boy Long Strides, Panther Strides
Ghulubba Boy Victory
Ghulumat Boy Youthfulness
Ghurabat Boy Beginning, Edge of a Sword
Gul-Mast Boy Gul - Flowers, Mast - Excitement
Gul-Rang Boy Colour of Flowers
Gulamali Boy Add Meaning
GulERana Boy A Beautiful Flower
Ghabashir Boy Twilight of the Morning
Ghazanfar Boy Lion, Title of Caliph Ali
Gohar-Tab Boy Shining Like Bead / Stone
Guadalupe Boy Plenty
Gul-Zaman Boy Zaman means Times
Gunjbuksh Boy Add Meaning
Gamaleddin Boy Tiger
Ghadhanfar Boy Lion, King of Jungle
Ghakhtalay Boy Strong
GhausIAzam Boy Great Helper
Ghaziuddin Boy Warrior of Religion
GhulamKhan Boy Keeps Smile
Gul-e-Rana Boy A Beautiful Flower
Gul-Hasham Boy Flower Name
GhiyasUdDin Boy Helper of the Religion Islam
Ghuncha-Gul Boy Bunch of Flowers
GurdanaKhan Boy Mangoes
Ghulamrasool Boy Red Flower
Ghiyas-ud-Din Boy Helper of the Religion (Islam)

Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter G Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter G Reviewed by my-babynames.com on September 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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