
Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter H

Children are God's blessings (SWT) and joy of life. For parents, children are one of the greatest gifts given to them by Allah (SWT). They bring happiness into one's life and give someone to fight for in this world. Children are also a source of salvation for Muslims because it is our belief that caring for one's children leads to the pleasure and kindness of the Almighty. Therefore there are many children's rights that have been placed on parents in Islam. One of them is giving children a good name, a name that is pleasant and gentle or has a good meaning.

Naming your baby is the most important choice that you can make as expected or new parent. https://my-babynames.blogspot.com has become a trusted name source.

Baby Boy Name starts with the letter H

Hai Boy River, Sea, Two, Second
Haj Boy Pilgrim to Makkah
Ham Boy Home, Heads, Chief, Hot or Heat
Haq Boy Right, Justice
Hub Boy Love
Hud Boy Hooded, Those who Ask Forgiveness, A Prophet's Name
Haad Boy The Leader
Haba Boy Favourite
Hada Boy Myrtle Tree
Hadi Boy Guide, Leader, Guide to Righteousness, Gift, A Chief, One who Guides
Hafi Boy Affectionate, Compassionate, Another Name for God, Generous
Hafs Boy Young Lion, Collecting, Gathering
Haji Boy Pilgrimage to Mecca, One who has Performed the Hajj or Pilgrimage to Makkah, Born During the Month of Pilgrimage to Mecca
Hajj Boy One who has Performed the Hajj or Pilgrimage to Makkah
Hala Boy Halo Around the Moon, Plough, Great, Dazzling, Sweetness
Hali Boy State, Handsome, Graceful, Condition, Sweet, The Sea
Hama Boy Verily, Truly, Shower, Rain
Hamd Boy Praise, Commendation, Lauding
Hami Boy Protector, Defender, Patron, Supporter, Show Favor, From Swahili
Hana Boy Brahma, Happiness
Hani Boy Happy, Content, Delighted
Haqq Boy Just, Right, True, One of the Ninety-nine Excellent Names of God
Harb Boy War, Warrior
Hari Boy Sun, Fit, Proper, Tawny, Green, Wind, Fire, The Moon, The One Belonging to God, Good Lover, Lord Siva, Lord Indra, God Narayanan, Lord Vishnu,
Hask Boy Acme of Mountain
Hawa Boy Loving, Desiring
Hayy Boy Alive, Having Life
Hazm Boy Add Meaning
Hazz Boy Pleasure, Delight, Luck, Good Fortune
Hedi Boy Add Meaning
Hiba Boy Gift of God
Hibb Boy Darling, Dear
Hilm Boy Calmness, Patience, Intelligence
Hims Boy Whisper
Hind Boy India, Hundred Camels
Hirz Boy Another Name for God, Place of Refuge, Amulet, Charm
Hood Boy The Biblical Hud is the English Language Equivalent, A Prophet's Name
Houd Boy A Prophet's Name, The Biblical Hud is the English Language Equivalent
Hubb Boy Love, Wish, Desire
Huda Boy Right Guidance
Hudn Boy Peace, Calm, Quiet
Hukm Boy Order, Command, Lord of Hearts
Humd Boy Praise of Allah
Hurr Boy Independent, Liberal, Noble
Huss Boy Saffron
Huwa Boy Another Name for God
Hwas Boy Having Narrow or Contracted Eye
Hyat Boy Long Life
Haadi Boy Director, Leader, Guide to Righteousness
Haady Boy Guiding to the Right
Haami Boy Protector, Patron, Helper, Supporter, Defender
Haani Boy Happy, Delighted, Content
Habab Boy Fine Dust
Habib Boy Friend, Beloved One, Darling, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Habil Boy The Biblical Abel is the English Language Equivalent, Abel, Adam's Younger Son
Habis Boy Companion, Narrator of Hadith, Ibn Sad Al-taiy had this Name, Al-tamimi RA also had this Name
Hadad Boy Joy, Noise, Clamour
Hadaf Boy Respected, Target, Aim
Hadas Boy New, Happening for the First Time
Hadee Boy Guiding to the Right, Director, Guide
Hadib Boy Devoted, Kind, Compassionate
Hadid Boy The 57th Surah of the Quran, Iron, Eloquent
Hadin Boy Guide, Leader, Guide to Righteousness, Gift, A Chief, One who Guides
Hadir Boy Sound of Thunder
Hadis Boy History, Tradition, Narration or Sayings of Prophet Muhammad
Hadus Boy New, Fresh, Young
Hadya Boy Gift
Hafez Boy Protector, Preserver, Responsible Caretaker
Hafid Boy Offspring, Descendant
Hafil Boy Diligent, Industrious
Hafis Boy The One who Knows Quran by Heart
Hafiz Boy Protected, Guardian, Keeper, Preserver, One who Knows the Quran by Heart
Haian Boy Very Beautiful
Hajib Boy Doorman, Janitor, Bailiff, Eyebrow, Edge, Covering
Hajij Boy Pilgrim
Hajiz Boy Partition, Curtain
Hajji Boy Pilgrim
Hakam Boy Judge, Commander, One of the Ninety-nine Excellent Names of God, Ruler, Authority
Hakem Boy Ruler, Governor
Hakim Boy Almighty, Judge, Wise, All-knowing, Physician, Insightful, One of the Ninety-nine Excellent Names of God, Ruler, Authority
Halab Boy Milk
Halah Boy Glory
Halif Boy Ally, Confederate, One who Takes an Oath
Halim Boy Gentle, Generous, Compassionate, Composed, Tranquil, Mild, Patient
Hamad Boy To Praise, All, Whole
Hamal Boy Lamb
Hamam Boy Pigeon, Dove
Haman Boy Abraham's Brother, Noise, Tumult
Hamas Boy Enthusiasm
Hamdi Boy Of Praise, Commendable
Hamed Boy One who Praises, Thankful, A Praiser
Hamet Boy Add Meaning
Hamid Boy Friend, Praiseworthy, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Praising, Allah, Commendable
Hamil Boy Carrier, Bearer, Home-lover's Estate or Hill with Grass
Hamim Boy 7 Surah of the Quran Begin with the Letters Ha and Mim, Known Only to God, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Hamiz Boy Firm, Vigorous, Summer
Hamud Boy Praiseworthy
Hamza Boy Lion, Strong, Sour Leaves, Smart, Steadfast, Brave
Hanai Boy Of Happiness
Hanfi Boy School Follower
Hanif Boy Orthodox, Pious, Follower of Prophet Abraham, True Believer
Hanin Boy Yearning, Desire
Hanna Boy Name of Mother of Maryam (Mary)
Haqqi Boy A Person who Upholds the Truth, Just
Haran Boy Terah's Son, Brother of Abraham, Mountainous Country, Eashwar, Life
Harar Boy Free, Of Noble Birth
Haraz Boy Make Fun, Comedy
Harby Boy Add Meaning
Harif Boy Pungent, Hot
Harim Boy Companion, Friend, Destroyed, Dedicated to God
Harin Boy Deer
Harir Boy Silk
Haris Boy Protector, Farmer, Watchman, Vigilant Guardian
Harit Boy Green, Lion
Hariz Boy Strong, Secure, Guarded
Haron Boy Loving Full Person, Loving Fuel
Harun Boy Messenger, Aharon, Chief, Protector
Hasam Boy Add Meaning
Hasan Boy Laughter, Good, Beautiful, Handsome, Good Looking
Hashr Boy Raising, Collecting
Hasib Boy Accountant, Avenger, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Hasif Boy Firm, Judicious, Steady, Joyful
Hasim Boy Definite, Decisive
Hasin Boy Strong
Hasni Boy Happy
Hakeem Boy Wise, All-knowing, One of God's Ninety-nine Qualities, Intelligent, Judicious
Hakiem Boy Add Meaning
Haleef Boy Ally, Confederate
Haleem Boy Lord of Sound
Hallaj Boy Cotton Refiner
Hallas Boy Seller of Coarse Carpets
Hamadi Boy One who is Praised
Hamail Boy Things Suspended
Hamdan Boy The Praised One
Hamden Boy Praised
Hamdhy Boy Sympathy, Blessing
Hamdun Boy Praised
Hameed Boy Friend, Praising God
Hameem Boy Friend
Hamida Boy Add Meaning
Hamidi Boy To be Commended, Praise
Hamish Boy Edge, Corner, Supplanter, He who Supplants, Similar to Jacob
Hammad Boy Praised, One who Praises God a Lot, Praising Allah
Hammam Boy Chief, Hero, Great Man
Hammed Boy Add Meaning
Hammou Boy Add Meaning
Hammud Boy Thankful, Grateful
Hamood Boy One who Praises Allah
Hamraz Boy Confidant
Hamzad Boy Comrade, Companion
Husaam Boy Sword
Husain Boy Small Beauty, Good, The Founder of Shiite Islam was Named Hussein
Husani Boy Handsome
Husayn Boy Good
Husein Boy Handsome, Diminutive of Hasan
Huseyn Boy Add Meaning
Husian Boy Add Meaning
Husnan Boy Handsome
Huzair Boy Add Meaning
Huzayl Boy Bin Shurah Bil had this Name
Huzfur Boy Noble, Illustrious
Huzzaq Boy Ingenious, Clever
Haabeel Boy The Biblical Abel is the English Language Equivalent
Haadhir Boy Present, Attending
Haarith Boy Old Arabic Name, Ploughman, Tiller
Haaroon Boy A Prophet's Name, The Biblical Aaron is the English Language Equivalent
Haashid Boy Add Meaning
Haashim Boy Generosity, Name of Prophet Mohammed's Grandfather, Old Arabic Name
Hadheer Boy Present, Attending
Hadidah Boy Sword, Weapon
Hadrami Boy A Quran Reciter of Basrah
Hafawat Boy Friendly, Welcoming
Hafeedh Boy Preserver
Hafizah Boy Guardian, Administrator, Manager
Haitham Boy Lion
Hudhaifa Boy Add Meaning
Hujayyah Boy Father of Ajlah Bin Abdullah
Hurairah Boy Narrator of Hadith, A Close Companion to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Hurriyat Boy Freedom, Liberty, Independence
Huthayfa Boy Old Arabic Name
Huuwaija Boy Want, Desire
Huzaifah Boy Companion of Prophet Muhammad, Huzaifah Ibn Yaman
Huzayfah Boy Curtailed, Short, Companion of Prophet Muhammad
HaiderBux Boy Add Meaning
Hanzhalah Boy Name of a Tree
Haqqullah Boy Right of God, Prayer, Religious Duties
Hizbullah Boy Army of Allah
Hooshmand Boy Wise
Hudhaifah Boy Companion of Prophet Muhammad
Hudhayfah Boy Add Meaning
Humaayoon Boy Blessed, Auspicious
Humaidaan Boy Add Meaning
Habiballah Boy Add Meaning
Habibullah Boy Beloved of Allah, Dear to God
Hafizullah Boy Remembrance of Allah
Hamadullah Boy The Thanks of Allah
Hamidullah Boy The Appreciation of Allah (SWT)
HanifudDin Boy True of Religion Islam
Hibatullah Boy Gift of Allah
Humamuddin Boy Brave (Person) of the Religion Islam, Generous
Husaamudin Boy The Sword of the Faith
HusamAlDin Boy Sword of the Faith
Husamuddin Boy Sword of Religion Islam
Husamudeen Boy The Sword of the Faith
HabeebAllah Boy Add Meaning
Habeebullah Boy Beloved of Allah
Hameedullah Boy Servant of the All-laudable
Hanifud-Din Boy True of Religion (Islam)
Hujjatullah Boy Proof of God, Another Name for Prophet Idris
HusaamUdeen Boy Add Meaning
HassanAskari Boy Early Imam (Leader) of Islam, Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
HidayatUlHaq Boy Guidance of the Truth (Allah)
Hidayatullah Boy Guidance of Allah
HifzurRahman Boy Remembrance of the Beneficent
Husam-al-Din Boy Sword of the Faith
HarunAlRachid Boy Aaron the Upright
HarunAlRashid Boy Celebrated Abbasid Caliph
HassanAskaree Boy Early Imam (Leader) of Islam, Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
Hifzur-Rahman Boy Remembrance of the Beneficent
HujjatulIslam Boy Proof of Islam
Husamuddaulah Boy Sword of the Kingdom
Husamuddawlah Boy Sword of the State
Hidayat-ul-Haq Boy Guidance of the Truth (Allah)
Harun-al-Rashid Boy Celebrated Abbasid Caliph

Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter H Baby Boy Name Starts With The Letter H Reviewed by my-babynames.com on September 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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